
Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Why is it forbidden to use and inject medicine with a fever above 102 ?

The answer is that more than one hundred and two fevers are usually caused by a virus, the most common form of which is a viral infection of the throat. There is no benefit to using antibiotics against the virus, and it usually resolves on its own in six to seven days. That's why doctors usually refuse to give antibiotics for viral infections.

 The second reason is that in the event of a high fever, our immune system becomes more active and the infected cells secrete a special protein called interferon. These interferons, of which there are more than one type, alert other healthy cells that the virus has entered the body and thus these cells regulate their defenses, such as changes in their cell wall. This makes it difficult for viruses to enter them. Because these interferons are only made at high temperatures, doctors forbid prescribing medication in the event of a viral infection to allow our immune system to function from within. However, if the viral load is high, antiviral drugs and paracetamol-containing drugs can be taken to reduce the fever.

 Avoid taking ibuprofen, ponstan, diclofenac sodium, etc. in case of fever due to viral infection.

The unscientific and unscientific behavior of Newton, Einstein and dear compatriots.

In order to question anything, it is necessary to first get the knowledge of the thing and then talk.  Questioning anything without knowing the alphabet is a very unscientific attitude.

 This kind of unscientific attitude towards science is common in our society.  A person who has not studied science regularly, instead of questioning his scientific educational qualifications, directly questions the well-established principles of science.  And on top of that, the position of this person on the questions raised on the basis of lack of knowledge is that the person in front should prove it wrong by giving "arguments".

 Even the answers to the questions raised on the principles of science will be given using scientific logic.  On the one hand, you do not have a basic knowledge of science, on the other hand, you have directly challenged science instead of acquiring knowledge, and further you are asking for "arguments" that your unscientific and unscientific behavior  The questions raised on the grounds should be answered more scientifically.  My dear compatriots, this is wrong.  In that case you will not be able to learn anything and the one in front will not be able to teach you anything.

  Let's take an example from the history of science.

  Newton, Galileo, Maxwell and Einstein are big names in the field of science.

  The laws of motion discovered by Galileo and Newton are sufficient to describe the movement of objects at speeds much lower than the speed of light in ordinary life.  Now anyone who has studied these laws knows that in Newtonian mechanics there is no restriction on the speed of objects.  You may have noticed that two vehicles coming from opposite directions pass by each other very fast.  If one vehicle is moving to the right at a speed of 50 kmph and the other is coming to the left at a speed of 60 kmph, then their speed will be 110 kmph depending on each other.  That is, in this case, their relative speeds relative to each other are equal to the sum of their individual speeds.  That is why a vehicle passing in the opposite direction passes by us very fast.

  But if two vehicles are traveling in the same direction at speeds of 50 kilometers per hour and 60 kilometers per hour, then the speeding car seems to be moving very slowly when it overtakes a slow moving car.  Because in this case their relative speeds relative to each other are equal to the difference of their individual speeds.  That is 10 kilometers per hour.

   Now let's link this to the non-stop speed mentioned above.  We replace a car with a light beam.  The speed of light is about 300,000 kilometers per second.  The other vehicle is being replaced by an observer in the opposite direction of the beam at a speed of 1 km per second.  According to the above, the speed of light for this observatory should be 300,001 kmph.  And if the Observer is coming at a speed of 10 kmph, then the speed of light should be 300,010 kmph for it.


   But the principles applied to vehicles do not apply to lighting.  The existence of electromagnetic waves was predicted in the second half of the nineteenth century when James Clerk Maxwell presented his theory of electromagnetism by combining the principles of electricity and magnetism.  Light, radio waves, X-rays, etc. are electromagnetic phenomena.  But there was something special about Maxwell's theory, and that was the speed constant of the electromagnetic waves.  That is, no matter what the observer moves in terms of these views, the speed of those views will always be constant.  The speed of all electromagnetic waves is only 300,000 kilometers per second.  Now this was against Newtonian mechanics.  Short story short, electromagnetic waves were detected before the end of the 19th century and it was concluded that the speed of light (electromagnetic waves) does not follow the principles of Newtonian mechanics.  But the problem was that Newton's principles were also well established.


   Now here is Einstein's entry.

   After completing his graduation, Einstein could not find a teaching job, so he started working as a clerk.  But science has not given up.

   Einstein studied science regularly, knew Newtonian mechanics, and was well acquainted with Maxwell's Theory of Electromagnetrum.  The theory of electromagnetism was more powerful than Newtonian mechanics.  Einstein presented his theory of special relativity, with Newtonian mechanics on the sidelines, assuming the theory of electromagnetism to be a constant of speed of light.  Einstein, who wrote a research paper on the Special Theory of Relativity, was still a clerk.

  Special Theory of Relativity was a turning point in the history of physics.  This theory changed the way people think about space and time.  If you have ever heard of spacetime, it is a product of this theory.  In addition, new phenomena such as time dilation, length contraction and mess energy interconversion (E = mc ^ 2) were predicted and evidence of these phenomena was found in practice.

 On the one hand, the Law of Conservation of Mess proved to be wrong with Mess Energy Interconversion and on the other hand, the way was opened for the use of nuclear energy.  Today, the Special Theory of Relativity is one of the most successful theories in science

 And more importantly, Newton's well-established principles still exist in special theory today.  Newtonian mechanics is just a good approximation of the special theory of relativity, if the objects move at a much lower speed than the speed of light.  And the speed of most objects seen in real life (car, plane, bird, man, wind, etc.) is much lower than the speed of light.

 And all of this was possible because Einstein, being a basic knower of science, questioned Newtonian mechanics after studying electromagnetism and Newtonian mechanics.  If Einstein had been a man of unscientific and unscientific thinking, he would have questioned any scientific knowledge without knowing the alphabet of science,  I don't know anyone.

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Iqbal, Ghamdi and Ahmed Javed

Ahmed Javed Sahib has seen an interesting video about Javed Ahmed Ghamdi Sahib, in which his relationship with Ghamdi Sahib and at the present time, when religion is facing severe difficulties, Javed Sahib considered Ghamdi Sahib as a spoil.  What is their defense?  At a time when, according to Ahmad Javed Sahib,

The world has taken God away from them.  The people who made this world, and the sciences that made it, and the goals that are required of it, all agreed that there is no need for God. "

 This statement of Ahmed Javed Sahib is completely true.  The philosophers who set out to rid God of God in the Western world proved biblically that "Christianity" was, in Hegel's words, "the religion of absolute freedom."  The center without man was recognized.  Religion has no role to play in theology, and all human development has been due to theology, in which philosophy such as "the call of man's inner being" and sciences such as logic and mathematics, science and technology  Played a vital role in the development of  The great German philosopher Hegel subordinated logic and mathematics to philosophy, because philosophy is a constant reflection, which also expands logic and mathematics.

 Javed Sahib has also mentioned a very important point.  He says that there is a danger of depriving God in Pakistan as well, and "traditional scholars are not paying attention to this." That is, traditional scholars are not aware of the danger that religion is currently facing in Pakistan.  While we say that the traditional scholars are utterly ignorant of the sciences on the basis of which the modern world was formed, and developing countries like Pakistan have to develop on the basis of these sciences.  There is no other way.  Science is the common capital of mankind.  Just as man is the creator of society, so man is the creator of the sciences which form the basis of social development.  Muhammad Iqbal even wrote in his lectures,

 "The function of religion is to awaken the consciousness of the relationship between man and the universe," Iqbal added.

 "Religious life, in its highest form, has flourished in both the East and the West, and has now practically failed.  And the devastation in the Muslim East is far greater than anywhere else.  Instead of strengthening the inner strengths of the common man and thus preparing him to move forward in history, he has taught him to avoid and has satisfied him with his own ignorance and deprivation. "

 Islamic scholars are still ignorant of the ideas that Iqbal put forward a hundred years ago.  And of course Ghamdi is aware of this intellectual aspect of Sahib Iqbal.  This is not what Iqbal writes,

  "The fact is that in today's Muslim world, only Turkey has awakened from the heedlessness of dogma and gained self-awareness.  Have traveled to reality.  It is a change that requires tremendous moral and intellectual struggle.  The complexities that are unfolding in her moving and expanding life will surely give rise to a new situation, and will give rise to new ideas. "

 The important point that Iqbal has made here is that ethics is not compatible with dogma, but rather moral strength is required to get rid of dogma.  It also shows that Iqbal was not an enemy of the formation of a new society, but wanted it.  And for that they wanted a fundamental change in the structure of society, a change in which "new ideas" could be born.  

The emergence of new ideas means the demolition of old ideas, not destruction, but regeneration.  Every notion that has become unnecessary should be rejected, and that which is capable of moving forward should be taken beyond the necessary changes.  Iqbal Hegel's imitation is so rich

 According to the Qur'an, the absolute reality is spiritual and its life consists of temporal activity. In nature, material and worldly or secular, the soul has the opportunity to act, so whatever is secular or secular is sacred in its very existence.  Is."

 Are Iqbal worshipers willing to acknowledge that secularism is "sacred"?  no way.  This misunderstanding gives rise to all sorts of problems, and for this reason secularism is presented as anti-religion, whereas, according to Hegel, the only expression of spirit is in social institutions and the philosophy of absolute spirit in art and religion. 

 Muslim scholars have no understanding of art, and they are completely ignorant of philosophy.  In the context in which Iqbal was engaged in reconciling philosophy and religion, today it is in further decline, and its responsibility lies with the religious scholars and in the imitation of these scholars, the Pakistani state, which is at Iqbal's grave.  He used to greet her, but he also ignored some important aspects of her thoughts.  They have been given an ideological role whose own ideological basis is in conflict with the priorities laid down by the state.  He imposed this education in the national institutions which became mere factories of ignorance.

 In this context, Ahmed Javed's explanation of Ghamdi is an echo of Iqbal's ideas.  But the surprise is that those who worship Iqbal are against Ghamdi.

Friday, 25 March 2022

Church made of Muslim skulls ? Its Fake News

 Social media users often fall prey to propaganda.  Even if it has nothing to do with reality.  This is what they are supposed to do in the service of Islam.  This week some friends are sharing pictures of a church made of human skulls in Portugal.  It is claimed to have been made from the skulls of Spanish Muslims.  However, not a single bone was used by a Muslim in this church called "Knesset of the Great" or Chapel of Bones.  

Even the Spanish Muslims were subjected to horrific atrocities and beheadings were made to convert.  But this church has nothing to do with this horrible story.  This small church is located near the famous Church of the Holy Francis in the tourist area of ​​Efora, Portugal.  The interior of which is completely "decorated" with human bones.

 The church was built during the Counter-Reformation movement in the sixteenth century for the "reformation of the church."  Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online.  That is why this building was built from human bones to remind the instability of the world and the hereafter.  It is also clearly written on the entrance of this church:

 : Nós ossos que aqui estamos pelos vossos esperamos.

 "We are waiting for you here in the form of bones.  Etc. "

 Eighteen meters long and eleven meters wide, this church is adorned with five thousand skulls, all of which also belong to Christian monks.  The tombs of the monks buried in various churches have been uprooted and collected.  The following is the text of the Gospel on the roof of the church:

 Mellier est die mortis die nativitatis

 That is, the day of death is better than the day of birth.

 However, these bones have nothing to do with Muslims.  Therefore, spreading lies should be avoided.

 There is another such church in Poland.  The Kazak Church is located in the Polish town of Czermna.  Construction of this historic Polish church began in 1776 and continued until 1804.  During this time the bones of soldiers and civilians killed in the Silesian Wars were used in the construction of the church.  In addition to the complete remains of 3,000 people, the church is made up of 21,000 small and large human bones.  According to the British Daily Mail, Poland's Kaplica Czaszek church is made of thousands of human bones.  The walls and ceilings of this Roman Catholic synagogue, located in the Polish town of Caesarea, are made of bone so that man can always remember death.  The idea of ​​building this unique chapel or church came to the local clergy in the 18th century, when the wars in Poland were raging.

  In these bloody wars called the Silesian Wars, there were piles of skulls all around, so the local clergy suggested that their best use be to build a small church out of them.  This is called a chapel.  Because this chapel is made entirely of human bones, it is also called the Horror Chapel.  The chapel was initially built to house the bones of soldiers and civilians killed in the war, but a large number of bones were needed for that purpose, so construction continued for about 28 years.  During this time, the complete remains of 3,000 corpses were collected for the construction of the walls and ceilings of the chapel.

 There is also a church in the Czech Republic "decorated" with human bones.  But it is made of ordinary material, while it is "decorated" with thousands of human skulls and small and large bones.  But Poland's "Kapilsa Kazask" is the only building in the world that has been built entirely of human bones.  Skulls with thick ribs and thigh bones have been used in the construction of the walls of this chapel.  

The walls are made of bones in such a way that it is considered a masterpiece of architecture, while the roof of the chapel is also made entirely of human bones.  The rafters are beautifully attached to the bones of the legs in the ceiling.  While a skull with 3 ribs is hung down.  The cross in the chapel and all the related items are also made of human bones.  

Ceiling chandeliers have also been installed in human skulls.  Now the Polish government has built a roof over this historic and unique church to protect it from the effects of the weather, while the bones are also sprayed from time to time to prevent further deterioration.  The skulls and leg bones belong to 3,000 victims, from whom the roofs and walls have been made, while 21,000 bones are hidden in a trap.

More pasasionate and full of Emotions in Life

Adolescence, the age of 15, 20 has more emotions.  And how old does it last?

 Answer: Fifteen years of age or so is what is called puberty in the language of medical science.  At this age, both boys and girls produce a lot of sex hormones. And under the influence of these hormones, human beings undergo physical and psychological changes.  One of these changes is the attraction towards the opposite sex and the desire for sexual intercourse.  You may have also noticed that every boy or girl in this age group is sexually or ...  I feel unattractive for no reason.

 The reason for this evolutionary attraction and connection is the survival of the human race and the desire and effort to move it forward.

 According to Gaiton (a famous book on physiology), this increase in sexual arousal and the hormones that drive it lasts for thirty-eight years, after which the sex hormones begin to decrease gradually.  No, but its effect is obvious only after the age of 45 years.  In women at this age, there is a decrease in sexual desire, as well as irregular menstruation and eventually menopause, which is called menopause.

 Lack of testosterone hormones in men also causes various problems. In men, this condition is called male climacteric.  There are a number of drugs today that can be used by both men and women to delay this process and enjoy a longer sex life.

 Sultan Muhammad

 The basis of sexual feelings is physical, but it also has a social effect.  This is considered to be the most ugly of all the physical needs.  In this regard, some attitudes in the whole world look exactly the same and in some there is a difference between earth and sky.  First of all, this is a feeling that is new in boyhood. All other feelings are already experienced.  So a new experience, then an 800% increase in hormones, then the restrictions that exist in society, as well as the idea of ​​fighting society in childhood, all come to the conclusion that the result is a lot of sexual attraction.  People usually don't pay attention to the rest of the behavior in this paragraph, so they are more point out.  Young people are disturbed by their emotions, they do not want to think about it but due to natural change they feel these emotions again and again.  Understand society over time.  Some get married, some come out of emotional stress. Change comes in every way, but it feels more.

we speak Urdu completely at home

 Going down the stairs side by side with the boys, these European girls study as hard and diligently as the boys to get down in every field of life.


 Among these girls there is a girl whose father is also the mayor of the city, there are also girls whose parents can write.

 But German parents, without distinction, encourage their children to pursue higher education

 The girls here are not taught that there is a beautiful, rich prince standing for you with all the comforts of life.

 Every girl here works tirelessly to create her own future.

 These are the girls who work part time when they reach university.

 Simple, innocent, very moral, these are European girls whose

 There is an impression in Pakistan that in Europe there is parental freedom.  Mention of these girls is also used as sarcasm and abuse

 If there was a jungle-like free life here, the best universities,

 Why the establishment of the best medical education, the best research centers?

 Well, my daughter was also working hard to get admission in her favorite field in a good university

 He also received the award for Best Student in German Language in his college.

 I am happy that the daughter of a foreign parent is the best in German while we speak Urdu completely at home.

The reality of this Mortal World

The world famous fashion designer and author "Krisda Rodriguez" wrote this article before she passed away after suffering from cancer ______!

 1. I have the world's most expensive brand car in my garage but now I travel in a wheelchair.

 2. My house is full of all kinds of designer clothes, shoes and valuables. But my body is wrapped in a small sheet provided by the hospital ____!

 3. There is enough money in the bank. But now I am not getting any benefit from this money.

 4. My house is like a palace but I am lying in a double size bed in the hospital _____!

 5. I can go from one five star hotel to another five star hotel. But now I spend time in the hospital moving from lab to lab.

 6. I gave autographs to hundreds of people. Doctor's note today is my autograph ______!

 7. I had seven beauticians to decorate my hair - today I don't even have a hair on my head.

 8. On a private jet, I can fly wherever I want. But now I need the help of two people to get to the hospital porch.

 9. Although there is a lot of food, but my diet is two tablets a day and a few drops of salt water at night _______!

 This house, this car, this jet, this furniture, so many bank accounts, so much reputation and fame, none of them work for me. None of this can give me any relief

 Real life is all about comforting a lot of people and putting a smile on their face.

 "And ... there is no reality except death."

Essay: Importance of English Language

English language is considered as the most popular language in the world. It is spoken by billions of people from different countries and cu...