At the same time, when you leave the study and engage in some other work, you feel more energetic. Does it just include the element of lack of interest? Or there are other reasons.
the answer.
There are two major factors: apathy and fatigue. When we are tired or our sleep is not complete and we are walking, our brain has to be alert from time to time to protect us from dangers, so we do not sleep. Similarly, even if we are tired but doing very interesting work, our attention is focused on this work, so we do not get sleep - but in this case, if we sit in one place and start doing something in which there is no We are not interested in it and it does not require any physical exertion (especially when we are in our room where we usually rest, sitting on our bed or lying down to read) then our brain considers it a time of rest.
Therefore, the hormones that cause sleep begin to be released from the brain. For the study, it is necessary that you first take a nap, that is, sleep for a while so that the sleep is complete and the brain does not feel the need for sleep during the study. Keep the study space separate from your bed, sit down and read, and after a while get up and take a few walks so that the body is not accustomed to rest and blood circulation is maintained.
Taking a short walk is good for your health - invent ways to keep your interest in the study - search the net for the topic you are studying and gather material and study it too. When studying, focus more on writing than just reading - the writing process activates more parts of the brain, which in turn makes the mind more alert, and also makes your muscles more active and less likely to fall asleep. happens'
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