
Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Some prominent categories of those who believe, disbelieve or doubt in Existence of God

        Who believe, disbelieve or doubt in Existence of God

1- # Agnosticism:

No one knows or cannot know the existence or non-existence of God. The human intellect cannot find this secret.

2- # Ignosticism:

There is no point in trying to find out the truth about God.

3- # Apatheism:

Man must decide whether God exists or not.

4- # Atheism:

There is no God.

5- # Deism:

God exists, but He does not interfere in the universe.

6- # Monotheism:

God is One, He is the Most Powerful, He created the world and He intervenes in it.

7- # Monism:

God or the universe is one. This one has divided itself into many things and He is present in everything.

8- # Panentheism:

God is present in every part of the universe and is free from the constraints of time and place.

9- # Henotheism:

One God must be worshiped, but there may be other gods.

10- # Monolatrism:

There is certainly more than one God, but only one should be worshiped.

11- # Kathenotheism:

There is more than one God, but only one at a time.

12- # Theism:

There can be one or more gods and they can send revelation.

13- # Dualism:

Not one, but two great powers are at odds with each other. One is good, the other is bad.

14- # Polytheism:

There are many gods and they work separately.

15- # Omnism:

All religions are fine and everyone should be respected.

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