
Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Satan's performance and God's rule

 Satan's performance, when compared to neutrality, is far more effective, significant, and stable than God's rule.

 God is certainly far ahead in empty claims, promises and threats and intimidation. (Five million houses, one million jobs, and the execution of corrupt politicians by their own hands)

 But the real ground truth is that Satan is even closer to our highway. In practical matters we always benefit from the guidance of the devil. Satan does not give any kind of greed, does not dream of a beautiful future, does not work with threats and fear. (The future is also that which does not exist in this world, whose existence is only an illusion)

 The devil is in the cash business. Does not borrow Use common sense, live by your nature, work hard and receive your reward today, not in a future that even the believers do not trust. That is, the reward is not yet in this world, not in the next world. This is what Satan pays to attract God's servants to him.

 that is why . Inside God's own house, Satan is worn in the trousers of his own representatives.

 And all the mosques and madrassas that are set up to carry on the business of God are run with the funds provided by the haraam eaters and the oppressors (ie the agents of Iblis). And there is not a single servant of God who earns a living. Everyone enjoys the hard earned money and illicit wealth of others. That is, the devils live on wealth.

 This means that effective control of the business of life in the world is in the hands of the devil.

 Satan does not call anyone to his side. He doesn't even care about safety. Its devil is absolutely safe, immortal. On the contrary, religion and its people are always in danger at the hands of Satan. For fourteen hundred years, Islam has always been in danger, despite countless sacrifices.

 Prayers, pilgrims, fasting and pious people are always begging and praying for refuge from the devil. But always fail. On the contrary, they are begging for the resources for Hajj, fasting and the mosque. Hajj Umrah is not possible with halal food.

 Believers, no matter how much you confiscate. Read verses and suras, ask for forgiveness. nothing happens .

 The woman is not safe even in the seven veils revealed by God. Innocent and fully clothed girls cannot escape rape. God-ordained sieges have no reality in the face of Satan.

 Lying, bribery, hoarding, adulteration, fraud, under-weighting, tax evasion, smuggling, seizure of other people's property (including sisters). Drug trafficking, human trafficking ... As well as reciting the Qur'an and visiting Hadith ... All ineffective in the face of Satan's evil.

 Interestingly, the devil does not even have a base of his own. Satan has no army of preachers and preachers. The beauty of his management skills is that he uses the army of God's houses (mosques, madrassas) and the army of God's sermons Zafar Moj. He takes all his work from God's army. All your production, supply, publicity and marketing ... He does all the work, using his manpower, God's mortal enemy and adversary. That is, all the Maulvis, commentators, narrators, preachers and preachers, perform all kinds of services for the devil with complete unity.

 The truth is, I've been a big fan of the devil for a long time.

 To the extent that the address does not move without God's will. Okay fine . But entire trees and jungles seem to sway and break at the behest of demonic forces.

 From the wall of Ghulam Rasool Imtiaz Sahib

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