
Monday, 31 May 2021

English & Urdu Literature in form Criticism , Poetry, Blank Verses


There is a debate in English literature as to whether poetry has been killed by the blank verse or by the old style of criticism or by the new style of criticism.

The views of all three factions are strong. But the knowledge of today's reader has become much more diverse than that of the readers of old. That is why new accessories and perspectives are needed to look at new poetry. This is not a matter of my individual taste. The logical conclusion is that Urdu poetry needs a new critique!

Much of English poetry, and what is technically known, consists of material trained and published by universities. What was once called the murder of English poetry is now generally known as modern poetry. It comes out of weight and sea and also comes out of harmony. Which Urdu poetry has given the name of prose in English imitation. However, the general method of reading the English blank verse was made dramatic, while in Urdu it is not read with a dramatic impression. Even the "prose poet" himself is not able to read his attempt with a dramatic impression. Which is surprising. Because some fiction writers have been reading their fictions dramatically like Sultan Jameel ... Asif Farkhi etc!

But the funny thing is that the poets who wrote English poetry before the age of twenty had no university education.

In the year 45 and 46, symbolic poetry appeared in the name of postmodernism.

And poetry

magism, symbolism, surrealism, dadaism, minimalism,

 I was hidden.

For example, let's look at how the changes took place before and after.

Ezra Pound (1885-1972): "'We ought I think, to say in civil terms: you be damned' (Palmerston to Russell, re / Chas H. Adams)"

We want to wrap up in words and curse.

Hilda Doolittle, pen name H.D. (1886-1961): "In me (the worm) clearly / is no righteousness"

For the first time, Hilda made the same claims in poetry as the male poets used to do in their poetry.

E.E. Cummings (1894-1962),:

 “While in the battered /

 bodies the odd unlovely /

 souls struggle slowly and writhe /

like caught. brave: flies ”

After the historical consolation, the First World War had left a deep impression on poetry and prose. ۔

Poets in nineteenth-century literature include Warlin and Whitman, and Oscar Wilde's plays, and Mark Twain and Robert Lewis.

The effects that he created during and after World War II changed into the form of war poets. Such poets were called war poets, including Rupert Brooke, Kipling, Wilford Owen, Hillier Blake. Included ...

McRae, a Canadian poet ... And there was the engineer and the doctor and the mogul ... he died of pneumonia on the battlefield ... one of his poems, In Flander's Fileds

It became very popular and with the help of this poem, funds were collected during or after the wars.

This parable was meant to prove that living poetry absorbs and reflects the changes of the times in any culture. It is impossible for a society to have more sexual abuse of girls and boys and Their sexual harassment became the headline of the daily newspaper and the poet who is a reflection of the delicate emotions of the time should compile the pages with his imaginary poetry without being influenced by this scenario ... which is the awakening of traditional poetry. Look at some poets. Those who do not write at all about the changes and joys and sorrows of the times but compose their poetry in the limited shell of their caste. I asked such a poet if my brother is sitting in Canada. Not a job for your profession. You are delivering pizza and how do you do poetry of peacock dancing in the forest when domestic affairs are not in your power. So he said I have done poetry in modern times ... I wrote a ghazal which The line is ... the corpse will not emerge ...

Since I am fully acquainted with the living conditions of that poet, I can take a psychological and incidental look at his poetry, and in order to understand the pain of wars in the poetry of the poet according to the above parable, his personal life is his general. If his poetry cannot be fully understood without knowing the family and regional situation, then obviously the criticism will not be correct.

In Urdu? In Ghalib's poetry, in Mir's poetry, the turbulent city is definitely seen in some places, but it is very expensive compared to English poetry.

If Urdu poets had written elegies on real and present life instead of religious eulogies, Urdu would have become a powerful language but Urdu is still a spoken language and so far there are no names of thousands of modern things in Urdu. Some improvement could have come from the establishment of Pakistan but it too fell prey to prejudice against Hindi, Punjabi, Balochi, Seraiki, Sindhi and Arabic was forcibly imposed where Persian techniques were not possible but the right of local languages ​​was killed. Due to which more powerful modern poets tried to defeat the language, which was not successful because instead of using it on a daily basis, they consciously tried to formulate new words which are one of the most common Is tantamount to sin.

The above discussion was meant to show that in order to criticize a poem, unlike the traditional critique, it is very important to know the life, place and environment of the poet.

If I write that ...

The vampire who said he was you /

 And drink my blood for a year. ”

And if I translate it into Urdu ...

The blood-drinking plague said, "He ... you ..."

And he drank my blood for a year ...

Have you ever read these lines: Wordsworth, William Blake, Cates, Yates, Rumi, Iqbal, Ghalib, Mir, Ezra Pound, Faiz, Faraz? Iqbal Sajid cannot be attributed to Shakib Jalali. If you can, there are only two names ... And that Sarah Shagufta of Urdu or Sylvia Plath of English!

Now the question is how do you attribute these lines to these two poets? What is the angle of view that helped them reach them?

First of all, the style of both poets. Both poets made their own metaphors unlike traditional poetry and did not hesitate to use them. The statement not to hesitate is very important here. Because Urdu poets are especially afraid of trying to rebel against tradition. They are afraid of the objections of other contemporary poets and traditional critics, so the process of killing flies continues and the result is this. There are so many poems in the poetry of the last forty years about which it can be easily said that these poems are not the style of any one but it seems that all of them are writing poetry of the same style and diction together.

Principle of Socrates 'school

        There was only one principle of Socrates 'school, and that was tolerance - these people listened to each other's thoughts with patience, they did not quarrel with each other even on the biggest differences - 

                            the principle of Socrates' school was that 

        A student who spoke too loudly or abused or threatened another or attempted a physical fight was immediately expelled from the classroom. 

            Socrates said that tolerance is the spirit of society, when tolerance decreases in society, dialogue decreases and when dialogue decreases, terror increases in society. 

            He said that differences are the work of educated people, arguments and logic are the work of educated people, as long as this art remains with educated scholars and noble people, society develops; but when dialogue or disagreement falls into the hands of ignorant people, then Society falls prey to anarchy. 

        He used to say: "And the world cannot be a world unless there is tolerance in it, unless there is a difference between hand and word!"

A Turkish Play Ertugrul Ghazi in Pakistan

Wrapped in tribal conspiracies, bloodshed, carnage and religious rhetoric, Turkey's drama series is constantly engulfing Pakistan.

Filmed in Anatolia, "Ertugrul" is a legendary 150-episode account of Ertugrul Ghazi of the Ottoman Empire. After dubbing in Urdu, this series has taken root in the hearts of Pakistanis.

It is not to be expected that the ideas of millions of people in a remote country will be captured.

But Pakistan is different. The families of the family sit together and watch with great interest and understand that this is the true historical Islam.

Islamic history? What is this history like? In fact, it is a fictional story of thirteenth-century Anatolia, in which the interest of Pakistanis is growing. The writer and producer of the series, Mehta Bozdag, has admitted to the idea in this story.

Mehta Bozdag says there is very little information about the content we are presenting. No more than four to five pages.

There is no guarantee that even the available names will be correct. Writings about the founding of the Ottoman Empire were collected between one hundred and one hundred and fifty years later.

Nothing is certain in this historical figure. According to Mehta Bozdag, we are creating a story by dreaming.

The Turkish series has been masterfully crafted for a specific purpose in which the element of propaganda is evident. There is no doubt about it

There is a purpose behind the preparation. But what is that?

If in this series, while trying to reflect Islam, it has been proved that it is a religion of peace, then in practice, there is nothing so far in this series.

On the other hand, if one says that this series is an attempt to eliminate the effect of Islamophobia, then success will be the exact opposite.

For example, the first episode begins with bloodshed. Where swords are being drawn in the background of gypsy tents.

The opponents of the tribe are Christians and Byzantines whose bloody bodies are scattered here and after every battle. Hero Ertugrul Ghazi is seen beheading everyone. The hero also suspects the disloyalty of former comrades belonging to the tribe.

Was Ertugrul the only one left to interpret Islam?

The whole world saw such a culture of relentless beheading in Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's organization called ISIS. Can such a horrible trend be supported in this series?


Furthermore, can this bloodshed show the peaceful message of Islam to the world? Islam can be represented in more positive ways than shedding light on the struggle for power in tribal society.

For example, Turkish Kurdish scholars such as Ali Qashghi, Taqi al-Din or Al-Jazari may be a much better interpreter. Without the early scholars of Islam, the colorful printing of Muslim culture is nothing but an illusion.

This particular thinking has entangled a great global civilization like Islam in a weak and inconsistent way of thinking.

I doubt that Ertugrul's real purpose is less about Islam. It certainly seems to be paving the way for a long lost empire.

The production team requested large-scale financial support from the Turkish state, which was complied with. Horse farms developed.

In addition, a special zoo was built. The action-packed Hollywood stunt team was specially called.

Thus, these actors were given full training for action. Turkish President Erdogan and his family visited the film's shooting location several times.

Then what was possible happened.

The Arab world does not believe in Ertugrul.

The blockbuster received a strong response from within the Sunni strongholds of Islam. Both the UAE and Saudi Arabia condemned and banned the series.

Egyptian authorities have issued a fatwa calling for the re-imposition of Turkish rule. There are also reports that Saudi Arabia is trying to break it.

The trailer of the Saudi series has also been prepared. This proves that the Arabs are not in the mood to accept this "Turkish monopoly".

Most people do not like the attackers, but Pakistan's psyche is somehow isolated.

Perhaps overwhelmed by Erdogan's aggression, Prime Minister Khan proudly tweeted that the Turks had ruled India for 600 years.

That's only between half a quarter and half a truth. But it is clear to the Prime Minister that he welcomes the monarchy on his soil.

Khan is not alone. A large number of Pakistanis have celebrated all the attacks since the eighth century. The Arabs are the source of India's victory. Like our Naseem Hijazi, filmmaker Mehmet Buzdag is also creating realistic imagery.

How should one view ancient invasions and imperial conquests? It is just as irrational to praise or disrespect them.

India is a strikingly clear example of how degrading society can be if it does.

The work of Hindu revival has fallen on the evil foreign invader who shattered the paradise of Mother India. Suddenly all Muslims and Christians became angry.

As recently announced by Narendra Modi's right-hand man, there are foreign termites attacking a poor man's grain store.


Don't the foolish ideas of Hindutva know that all human civilization originated in Africa? There is no such thing as a "son of Indian soil."

Doesn't everyone know that the world?

Is every society the result of countless conflicts, wars and foreign invasions for thousands of years? Even DNA tests cannot tell the difference between Hindus and Muslims.

These basic lessons are for everyone. But unfortunately the rulers of Pakistan are far from these facts.

One of the strongest attitudes towards ancient foreign invasions should be to accept them as historical facts.

They should be investigated without any glorification or condemnation. No one can suffer the consequences of the deeds of his ancestors.

Moreover, the small things of the time have always obscured the facts from theory.

The creators of Ertugrul want us to sink into the past of others and celebrate imperialism.

We are deliberately confusing everything. This poisonous substance can only reinforce the dangerous illusion that moving forward actually means going backwards.

Instead of all this nonsense, the way forward is for Pakistanis to ask Pakistanis about the path to spring. We have a unique culture, a history. There is much to be gained from this diversity.

Everyone saw what happened in 1971. The eradication of Saudi culture failed to create a viable Pakistani identity. Accepting Turkey will not get us anything more.

Instead, a strong national identity can emerge only when Pakistanies is accepted. For example, it should be acknowledged that Punjab is just a Pakistani province and all citizens have rights on the basis of equality and justice. However, nothing seems to be changing at the moment.


Black Stone Accidents in the Mirror of History Part 4

Sunan Tirmidhi Hadith No. 961 Sunan Ibn Majah Hadith No. 2944

Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that when the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to Makkah, he received the Black Stone and then walked on its right side and did Raml in three rounds and walked comfortably in the remaining four. Sahih Muslim Hadith No. 1218.

The reception of the Black Stone is to touch it with the hand. If the crowd is large, hand gestures will suffice.

Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) came to the Black Stone and kissed him and said: I know that you are a stone that can neither benefit nor harm you, if I had not seen the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) kissing you. Don't even kiss you Sahih Bukhari Hadith Number (1250) Sahih Muslim Hadith Number (1720).

Nafi '(may Allaah have mercy on him) narrates that Ibn' Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) received the Black Stone and then kissed his hand, and said: I have not left it since I saw the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) doing it. Sahih Muslim Hadith No. 1268.

Abu Tafil (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that I saw the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) circumambulating the House of Allah and receiving the Black Stone with a stick and kissing it. Sahih Muslim Hadith No. 1275.

Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to circumambulate his camel, and whenever he came to the Black Stone, he would point to it and say Allaah Akbar. Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. (4987).

Ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrates that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Touching them is the expiation for sins. Sunan al-Tirmidhi (959) Imam al-Tirmidhi declared it to be saheeh and al-Haakim said it was saheeh (1/664) and al-Dhahabi agreed with it.

Black Stone Accidents in the Mirror of History Part 3

In 696, when Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair Khan took refuge in the Ka'bah, Hajjaj bin Yusuf's army rained stones on the Ka'bah with catapults and then set it on fire. Which split the black stone into three pieces. During the reign of the Abbasid Caliph al-Radi Allah, a Qaramati chief, Abu Tahir, took the Black Stone and returned it after a long time.

Virtues of the Black Stone in the language of Mustafa (peace be upon him)

Abdullah ibn Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that he heard the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying:

Undoubtedly, the Black Stone and the place of Abraham are among the rubies of Paradise. Allah has extinguished their light. If Allah had not extinguished this light, the middle part of East and West would have been illuminated. Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 804.

Ibn 'Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

The Black Stone descended from heaven.

Sunan Tirmidhi Hadith Number (877) Sunan Nisa Hadith Number (2935)

Ibn 'Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

The Black Stone came from heaven and was whiter than milk and was blackened by the sins of the children of Adam.

Sunan al-Tirmidhi (877)

Ibn 'Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about the Black Stone:

By Allah, Allah Almighty will call him on the Day of Resurrection, then he will have two eyes with which he will see and speak. He will speak and every person will testify to the one who received him.

Black Stone Accidents in the Mirror of History Part 2

3 - In the year 363 AH, a Roman man struck the Black Stone with his ax, leaving a clear mark of a slap on it - he picked up his ax as soon as he struck for the second severe blow. The help of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala reached him and a Yemeni man who was watching his horrible deed nearby killed him in the blink of an eye and his desire to strike another blow on the Black Stone remained in his heart.

4 - In the year 413 AH, Fatimid sent six of his followers to Mecca, one of whom was al-Hakim al-Obeidi, a tall, blond man with a strong body - a sword and an iron rod. At the instigation of his comrades, he struck three blows on the "Black Stone" in a state of insanity, which blew away his splinters. He was selling the first follicles in a sad state, saying (God forbid) It will not be completely uprooted until it is settled by the coins - but on this occasion once again the help of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala came and a detachment of cavalry surrounded them all and captured and killed them all. His body was later cremated.

5 - A similar incident took place in the year 990 AH when a non-Arab came to Mutaf with his weapon and struck the Black Stone - a prince of that time "Prince Naseer" was present in Mutaf which Killed him immediately -

6 - In the month of Muharram 1351 AH, an Afghan man came to Mataf and broke a piece of the Black Room and took it out and stole a piece of the cover of the Ka'bah. - He was captured by the guards around the Ka'bah - and then sentenced to death after due process The black stone is not in the form of a complete stone at this time as it was taken down from heaven, but the Holy Stone of the Age has given this sacred stone to the believers to kiss. The heart is restless all the time.

In 606, when the Prophet was 35 years old, the flood severely damaged the Ka'bah and the Quraysh rebuilt it, but when it came to keeping the Black Stone, the tribes quarreled. It was the wish of every tribe to have this happiness. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used the method of settling the dispute by placing the Black Stone in a chador and asked all the chiefs of the tribes to hold the corners of the chador and lift it. So everyone picked up the chador together and when the chador reached the place where it was to be placed, you installed it in the wall of the Ka'bah with your blessed hands. First of all, Abdullah bin Zubair put silver on the Black Stone. In 1268, Sultan Abdul Hamid covered the Black Stone with gold. In 1281, Sultan Abdul Aziz overlaid it with silver.

Black Stone in the Mirror of History Part 1

        The Black Stone is a combination of two Arabic words. Stone is called stone in Arabic and black is used for black and black. The Black Stone is the black stone on the southeast wall of the Kaaba. It currently consists of three large and several small pieces of different shapes. The pieces are connected in a circle about two and a half feet in diameter, surrounded by a silver circle. Muslims who go for Hajj or Umrah must kiss the Black Stone every time they perform Tawaf. If the crowd is large, a kiss can be given with a hand gesture. Which is called istlam.

                                History and events

        There are at least six incidents in history when the Black Stone was stolen and an attempt was made to break it. The number of accidents may be even higher. According to Islamic traditions, when Hazrat Ibrahim and his son Hazrat Ismail Khana Kaaba Were building. So Gabriel brought this stone from heaven which Hazrat Ibrahim installed in the wall of Kaaba with his own hands.

1. The first tribe after the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to be found is the Bani Jarham, who tampered with the Black Stone. History has it that when Banu Bakr ibn Abd al-Manah removed the Qiblah "Jarham" from Mecca When they were forced out of Mecca, they removed the "Black Stone" from the wall of the Ka'bah with two gold deer and placed it in the well of Zamzam and forced them to leave for Yemen. See the wisdom of Allah Almighty that this stone did not stay in the well of Zamzam for a long time - while the people of Banu Jarham were hiding the Black Stone in the well of Zamzam, a woman saw them doing so - this woman pointed out But the Black Stone was recovered from the well of Zamzam.

2- The Qara Ma Tin led by a man named Abu Tahir besieged Makkah in 317 AH and killed about seven hundred people at a holy place like Masjid al-Haram and the well of Zamzam and the premises of Masjid al-Haram. Filled with human corpses and blood - he then looted the valuables of the people of Makkah and the jewels kept in the Ka'bah - he tore the shroud of the Ka'bah and distributed it among his followers - the gates of the Ka'bah and The drain was uprooted on its golden floor - and then the matter did not end there. On 7 Zul-Hijjah 317 AH, Abu Tahir separated the Black Stone from the wall of the Kaaba and left its place empty. It is said that he moved there - it was a very painful period of the Black Stone - the Black Stone remained separated from the wall of the Ka'bah for about 22 years - during this period those who circumambulated the Ka'bah only kissed its empty space or - Then look at the will of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala that 22 years later on 10 Dhu al-Hijjah 339 AH "Sunbar bin Hassan" who also belongs to the tribe of Qaramatin It was he who freed the Black Stone and reattached it to its original location - a question then arose as to whether it was really the Black Stone or not. He said that he would test him and tell him whether this is the real Black Stone or not because he has studied the hadiths about it. If he set fire to the Black Stone, then the Black Stone did not catch fire and neither did he. It warmed up - then he submerged it in water so that despite being a rock it did not sink in the water against its character but floated on the surface of the water - it showed that it is the real rock of heaven because heaven What does stone have to do with fire and drowning?

Nuclear powers in Third World countries' Poverty & Destitution

            May 28 is celebrated as Pakistan's nuclear power. Similar days are celebrated across the border in most countries of the world, including India. From the chambers of the rulers to the media channels, from politicians to intellectuals, all the working people in the abyss of poverty are filled with the dynamite of patriotism and religious fanaticism in an attempt to convince them that they are a There are citizens of nuclear power that they should be proud of. The destruction, hunger, poverty and deprivation of the oppressed classes, which have been aroused by the spirit of patriotism, are considered as the sacrifices that it is their national and religious duty to make for the development and promotion of weapons of mass destruction. National anthems are sung everywhere, patriotic melodies are played. Hatred and contempt for poor and helpless people like them from other countries, nations, religions and races is encouraged.

            For the first several generations, the helpless people here have been taught that the atomic bomb is indispensable for their defense. Today, these same people are being taught that it is necessary to defend this atomic bomb. Not only here, but all over the world, all information related to nuclear programs is kept secret from the public. Exposing the unlimited cost of manufacturing thousands of such deadly weapons in the world has become a crime. This situation is found in every nuclear power. In all countries, from the United States to India and Israel, the nuclear program is considered a sacred cow.

            There are currently 9 countries in the world that have small or large scale nuclear weapons. 

    These countries are USA, Russia, China, France, UK, Israel, India, Pakistan and Korea.

     According to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (ICAN), these countries are spending about  300 million a day on their nuclear forces. These countries spent 91 91 billion on nuclear programs in 2010 and while 105 billion in 2011, or about  12 million per hour. That's enough money to lift millions out of poverty, including in these countries. But spending on weapons of mass destruction continues to rise and spending on poverty alleviation is shrinking.

            In India, 860 million people currently live on a daily income of Rs. The South Asian subcontinent has a population of 22% of the world's population and the region is home to almost half of the world's poverty. According to various conservative estimates, Pakistan has so far developed 90 to 110 nuclear weapons while India has 80 to 100 atomic bombs. If we look at the growth of the nuclear programs of both the countries, by 2021, Pakistan will have 200 atomic bombs while India will have 150 atomic bombs. There is a blind race between the rulers of the two countries and the military elite. Wealth, squeezed out of the blood and sweat of the poor, is being poured out like water on the tools of destruction.

        In the first half of 1940, the United States developed an atomic bomb at a cost of 2 billion. According to the current value of the dollar, the cost is about 30 billion dollars (about four thousand five hundred billion rupees). It should be noted that uranium enrichment for the world's first atomic bomb accounted for only 10% of total electricity production in the United States. The project is called the Manhattan Project, and the cost of developing these nuclear weapons can be estimated in general.

            For backward countries like Pakistan and India, this is enough money to reduce their external debt many times over. The atomic bomb is useless without modern missile technology, so trillions of rupees are spent on long-range ballistic and cruise missiles.

            The First and Second World Wars was the product of the intensification of the capitalist crisis and the conflict between the imperialist powers for control of the markets. Millions of people died in these wars. Even in a relatively peaceful era after World War II, 180 million people have been killed in various national conflicts and civil wars.

            Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II killed millions. The atrocity was intended to warn the Soviet Union not to advance on the Eastern Front in order to save capitalism in Japan. The atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 are more explosive than today's nuclear weapons.

            If there were a nuclear war today, there would be so much dust in the atmosphere that sunlight would not reach the earth for many years. This phenomenon is called nuclear winter. Even if the human race survives nuclear attacks, it is certain to end in a nuclear winter. Wealth can be accumulated directly or indirectly through the manufacture of such devices, but these deadly weapons cannot benefit the human race. But the policy makers of this system have no interest in the survival of human society, civilization or even the human race itself. With the deepening crisis of capitalism, the mutual squabble over every inch of the planet has driven them insane.

            60% of Pakistan's population suffers from food insecurity and poverty. Half of the children's development is incomplete. The situation in Modi's so-called "Shining India" is perhaps even worse. Weapons, whether conventional or non-conventional, cannot save the people from hunger and deprivation. Nor do they have access to treatment, education, employment, electricity, water and other basic necessities We can From the arms industry, the imperialist arms companies make huge profits and fill the coffers of the rulers. If an atomic bomb falls in Lahore, Amritsar and Delhi will also be destroyed. If it is dropped on Bombay, then Karachi and Hyderabad will also be affected. In both countries, the effects of radiation will produce disabled children for many generations. If these atomic bombs do not work, then what is the purpose of making them? But in capitalism, freedom belongs to the market and trade; not to man!

Sunday, 30 May 2021

The United States, Britain, and France and EU

After World War II, the United States, Britain, and France decided to make Europe a safer country for racially abused Jews. And became Israel 

Israel formed as an "ethnic empire"; So to this day it has no definite boundaries. There is no room for Palestinians

Even in the Umayyad, Abbasi, Ottoman and Iranian Empires of the past; And also in today's Iran and Turkey. The Jews have lived in peace

Most Jews in Israel come from Europe; Very few shifts from Iran or Turkey Therefore, the majority has a liberal culture. Local Jews are fanatics

The Israeli establishment believes that if the Palestinians are considered equal citizens, they will gradually become a Jewish minority in Israel.

Palestinians are generally willing to accept second-class citizenship; But are constantly fed up with humiliation; Forced to side with Hamas

The vast area of ​​the West Bank that Israel snatched from Jordan in the war; The Arabs living there, despite being conservative, are pacifists

The Israeli establishment does not want Palestinians to be equal citizens. Does not want to give a separate state; She wanted to keep them in the open

Iran and Turkey support Hamas While Arab countries support the Palestinian Authority. But no one can solve the problem

Pakistan has nothing to do with the Palestinian issue Making useless statements for no reason The interest of Pakistanis is only from Saudi Arabia and UAE.

The greatest injustice in the system of oppression is to exhort someone to endure oppression and to preach patience as a test from God.

Friday, 28 May 2021

Some people and their aims and opinions for Survival on this planet

Some people complete their education at the age of 22. But they don't get a good job for five years.

Some people become the CEO of a company at the age of 25 and at the age of 50 we find out they have passed away.

While some people become CEO at the age of 50 and live up to ninety years.

Despite having a good job, some people are still unmarried and some people have got married without a job and are happier than employers.

Obama retired at the age of 55, while Trump started at the age of 70.

Some legends smile even when they fail the exam and some people cry even when the score is less than 1.

Someone got a lot without any effort and some of them just kept rubbing their heels all their lives.

Everyone in this world is working on the basis of their time zone. Apparently we feel that some people are far ahead of us and maybe it seems that some are still behind us but each person is in his own place according to his own time. Don't be jealous of them. Stay in your own time zone.

Wait and be satisfied.

You are neither late nor in a hurry.

Allah, the Lord of Glory, the Greatest of the universe, has designed us all according to His own calculations. He knows who can carry how much. What to give to whom at what time. Bind yourself to the will of the Lord and believe that the decision that is sent down to us from God is the best ...

Did The Jews borrow The Story of Noah's Flood from the Babylonians

There is a striking resemblance between the story of Noah's flood and the ancient Sumerian flood. Only the names of the characters and their language look different. The original text of the story and the subject matter are the same, so can we say that the story of Noah's flood is actually a replica of the ancient Sumerian Diomala. Or at least derived from it, or both stories describe a real great flood in a divinatory way that may have occurred at some point in the Tigris and Euphrates. Because it is impossible for a flood to come globally.

Because we know that the story of Noah's Flood, which was copied directly from the Jews by Christianity and Islam, had a similar story to the first Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia five thousand years ago. Even though the nation of Israel did not exist at that time, Abraham was not yet born.

We also know that the destruction of the first temple as a result of the invasion of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, led to the Jews being enslaved in Babylon (Mesopotamia) for a long time after 620 BC. The Jews lived in Babylon for about a century, until Cyrus the Great ( Zulqarnain of the Qur'an ) conquered and liberated Babylon and helped build the Second Temple of Solomon.

During his stay in Babylon and later in Persia, many new things were added to Jewish beliefs that were first part of their religious traditions. Most of these traditions were taken from the ancient Parsis / Zoroastrians of Persia, such as the concept of the devil of the merciful Satan, and from it derived the concept of good and evil, the concept of heaven and hell and the concept of angels, etc. Inevitably, other Semitic religions in the region may have influenced Judaism as well. The same effect may include the story of a great flood in ancient times.

We also have the ancient Sumerian inscription Gilgamesh, which is in the curved cuniform script of the old Sumerian language. In this story we find mention of a great flood. The gods were angry with the actions of humans and sent them to destroy. According to Gulgamish's epic poem, the story is told to Gulgamish by a priest named Utna Pashtam. According to Gulgamish's poem, the hero of this story has landed. A god who sympathizes with human beings foretells the flood of Enki. And he commands that he build a great ark, and that every one of the creatures be a pair of it. Itrahas does just that. Then the flood starts in the Tigris Euphrates and engulfs the whole world. Only those who survive aboard the Ark of the Covenant survive.

Apart from Gulgamish, there is another story of this flood which is written on the tablets discovered from a different place. This is the story of the same storm, but the name of the hero here is Zeusdra instead of Uttarahas. It is also written in the Sumerian language. The first part deals with the creation of man and animals and the formation of the first cities. It tells how the gods created man from clay. According to him, the first cities built by the gods were the cities of Emeritus, Badbera, Larsa, Saipar, Ur, Orak, and Shoropak.

According to the story, the gods decided to send a flood to destroy mankind. The god Enki (the freshwater underwater sea god whose Babylonian equivalent is EA) warns Zeusdra, a good man, the ruler of the city of Shoropak, to build a large ark. The details of the boat are missing.

However, according to the plaque, there was a terrible storm for seven days, "a huge boat was thrown into the great waters," then Yuto (the sun) appeared and Jesudra opened the window of the boat, prostrated, and a bull and a sheep. Sacrificed

Then, according to the inscription on the tablet, when the flood is over, he prostrates before Zeusdra, the god "N" (god of the sky) and the god "Ann Lill", who give him "eternal breath" and let him stay in Dilmun. Take for The rest of the poem is lost.

The slight difference between this story and the story of Gulgamish is that according to Gulgamish, Zeusdra's boat stopped on a hill, but according to these plaques, after the great flood, " Was chosen where the sun rises. " Dilmon is commonly known as the island of Bahrain today. Which was a colony in the Persian Gulf south of Mesopotamia ...!

The massacre of Palestinians & Abraham Maslow's theory of "Hararki of Need"

Many times the world has been reduced to ashes, not by religions, but by nationalism and the expansionist ambitions of human beings. Religion was just resorted to, look at the history of why religion was invented? Were people peaceful when there were no religions? The answer is no? Homo sapiens extinct many species for food and shelter.

If we look at Abraham Maslow's theory of "Hararki of Need", it becomes easy to understand that "religions are not part of man's need and have never fought for it, wars have always been fought on economic and geographical grounds." But religion has been used as a tool for brainwashing the common man - the context of my post is Israel and Palestine. I would like to say without any prejudice that the massacre of Palestinians is not justified in any way. The killing of any human being is not justified. Understanding the issue through the lens of religion and emotion is not a religious issue. It is very inappropriate to interpret the current situation on the basis of what did not happen 1400 years ago.

 The bitterness of society can only reduce happiness.

Where there is more poverty and ignorance. There is an abundance of human beings. And not good to eat. There are no suitable clothes on the body. Gold is not a soft bed. The sounds of mosquitoes and crickets, the stinking air and the human brain in fights think beyond killing. He brings the dead out of the grave. It cooks and eats human flesh.

There is also a level of crime. And the scale of punishment. We don't need anything.

As hard as the lifestyle will be. The culprit there will commit such a serious crime.

  When a nation starts justifying this ignorance instead of seeking a cure for ignorance, then the destruction of that nation is certain.

  Circumstances have proved that the cessation of outward worship does not make a difference; if it does, it is the cessation of the economic system.

Pythagoras idea mythology, possible, abstract and concrete form, Ibn Sina, Farabi, Aristotle

 Both forms of the idea are possible: Abstract and Concrete.

        Pythagoras saw the human soul in a dog, and the whole of Hindu mythology is a reflection of the idea that the soul goes astray until it is saved. This is their view of hell. Similarly, there is an idea that the survival of the soul based on action is nonsense. The soul is the form of the body that ends with death. 

        The originator of this idea was not an ordinary religious reformer but the great minded teacher Aristotle. Following in the footsteps of Aristotle, Ibn Sina and Farabi later denied death.

Well, it will take a long time, if you think that the idea is concrete, not abstract or mere, then please show the validity of the idea, otherwise your idea is just a delusion which is devoid of content. 

                        The idea of ​​content is just an idea.

The best example of this is given by Hegel in logic that if the idea is concrete then it is concrete nature.

        What you are saying is a possibility, which can be true or false. So, sir, the point of the post that is presented in the post, is your position easily.

        The problem is actually in the understanding of materialism, most people take selfishness and materialism from materialism while this is absolutely wrong. When it comes to materialism, it means that human consciousness is from matter and not matter is derived from consciousness. , That is, matter is real, consciousness is its creation, if there were no matter, there would be no consciousness.

"Human consciousness does not determine man's existence, but on the contrary, man's social existence determines his consciousness."

        In simple words, this means that man has gone through stages of consciousness as a result of his physical activities. In order to get food, he has to go to great lengths, because in the early days of human life, food revolved around food. The quest introduced man to science, politics, art and religion.

         As a result of this research, the productive forces or means of production developed and with the development of the means of production, various productive relations or productive relations were established between human beings. In short, materialism does not mean selfishness or materialism, but rather the material understanding of human evolution.

        The truth is like the famous prostitute of the city. "The truth is like the famous prostitute of the city, whom everyone knows but who is embarrassed to meet suddenly on the way. That is why it is kept secret in the darkness of night. During the day they cause trouble, are rough and ugly; Both truth and prostitution. Some people don't digest it for the rest of their lives. ” Wolfgang Borschert, considered one of the most famous German writers of the post-World War II [literature of destruction and wreckage] and died at the age of only twenty-six because of his poems, fiction and drama , In front of the door ”excerpt from, German.

The European Union resolution with Pakistan

The European Union has passed a resolution against Pakistan. It called Pakistan an extremist country and recommended sanctions.

The resolution was passed in response to the TLP's recent violent protests against France. During the session, footage of killing people and burning property was presented in Pakistan.

In the resolution, the French representatives even said that there is so much hatred against France in Pakistan that the police who tried to stop the violence were killed by calling them "agents of France".

The second argument was that such demonstrations did not take place in any other Muslim country in the world, ie this is not a problem of the Muslim Ummah. Extremism is found in Pakistan itself.

All the European countries participated in this session and 681 votes were cast in favor of imposing sanctions on Pakistan while only 3 votes were cast against it.

Such an overwhelming majority means that the whole of Europe has sided with France.

Imran Khan had expressed the same concern and said that we will resolve this issue on the diplomatic front like the Dutch issue.

But here the Malawians were adamant that we should burn the cars and end the relationship.

Now there will be a test of faith of all Malawis and Pakistanis.

Because of the sanctions under consideration

Eliminate tax exemptions for Pakistani products,

After which you can't sell there

Consideration is being given to banning remittances to Pakistan from all European countries - and to impose travel and visa restrictions on Pakistan.

What will this do-?

About 45% of Pakistan's total labor force is involved in textiles. That is millions of Pakistanis. And Europe is their biggest buyer.

Pakistanis feed their children by sending products worth about 7 billion or Rs. 1150 billion to Europe.

2.2 million Pakistanis work all over Europe. Who send 3 billion or Rs. 450 billion annually to their homes. If these restrictions are imposed, we will have to prepare ourselves to eat grass.

Article that is discussed Hinduism & Buddism while Genghian era

            In Saudi Arabia, Ramayana and Mahabharata will now be taught - the mysteries of yoga and Ayurveda will be taught - the teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism will be discussed. Now, perhaps, it is time to discuss the word "infidel" and consider the broader meaning of the word instead of using it as abusive and hateful.

        Imam Bukhari's books of hadith should be discussed in the assembly - and the material collected in the name of hadith should be discussed and tested on rational grounds - so that people of other religions They could not sketch the beloved Prophet (SAW).

        We start the massacre of our own people and the siege of our own property in the name of the sketchers - but the book from which they draw sketches based on that material - we talk on that basis. I am not qualified.

         In this last century of most religions, we also have to think about the extent to which religions have interfered in modern societies.

        "Get out of politics, Genghis Khan."

        In order to re-examine the existing philosophy, it is necessary to understand the urgent need for scholarly discussions in the assemblies.

        If you can't straighten the foundation, you will fail to correct the crookedness of the wall like the sage of Pakistani society.

God and Human affairs realization


            Man has practiced religion for thousands of years but no divine help has reached him. Mothers sacrificed their children to gain God's mercy, but God did not show mercy. The naked savage man was eaten by millions of beasts, bitten by snakes, drowned by storms, destroyed by earthquakes, but by God. 

            Do not change your doctrine - human beings built millions of places of worship, worshiped day and night in them, but the oppression of the oppressors continued and the whips that used to fall on the backs of the slaves continued to fall.

            Eventually, after millions of years of bitter experience, man realized that God does not interfere in human affairs. In the sight of God, the leaf of grass and man are all equal, so his progress depends only on hard work and leadership intellect. 

            Gradually the age of miracles passed - the era of traditional religion is over and man is no longer ready to destroy his world by believing in the teachings of religion and be called a fool.

Tokyo city in Japan has honestly topped & facts

            The city of Tokyo in Japan has honestly topped the world today and how is Japan number one in the world .....

                        These ten facts will tell you the reason.

1- In Japan, from the first grade to the third grade, children are also taught a subject in which they are taught and explained about everyday affairs and ethics of dealing with people.

2. In Japan, there is no concept of failing children from first grade to third grade. Because the purpose of educating these young children is to train them and build their personality, not indoctrination and traditional education.

3. Although the Japanese are one of the richest nations in the world, there is no concept of a servant in their household. Parents are responsible for children and the home.

4. Japanese children, along with their teachers, sweep and clean their school for 15 minutes daily. The purpose of this exercise is to make them morally humble and practically clean.

5- Every child in Japan also takes their toothbrush with them to school. After eating and drinking at school, they have their teeth cleaned. From their childhood, they are made to take care of their health.

6- Teachers and administrators in schools eat half an hour before the students to check the quality of food and ensure the safety of the children. Because they understand that these children are the future of Japan and how important it is to ensure their safety.

7- In Japan, a cleaner is called by a special name which means health engineer. His salary ranges from 000 5,000 to 000 8,000. Candidates for this job pass regular oral and written exams.

8- Mobile phones are not used in cars, restaurants and closed places in Japan. In Japan, silent mode mobile is given a special name which means adherence to ethics.

9. In Japan, if you go to an open party or a buffet dinner, you will see that people put food on their plates as needed. Leaving food on plates is not a Japanese habit.

10. The average vehicle delay in Japan is 7 seconds throughout the year. People are appreciative of Japanese time and know the value of minutes and seconds .....

11- Very good but one important thing is that in Japanese are not rich is  Not a single Japanese out of 100 rich people in the world Û°Û° Life is very simple

And the telephone silent mode which is called "Manner mode" in Japanese and we also have the silencer of the bike blown by the youth so that they can make more noise all over the board.

History will always remember that it repeats itself / Andalusia is called Spain

            Andalusia is called Spain today. . . There, Tariq bin Ziyad heated up the carnage, which is unprecedented. Bloodshed is found in Islam, Christianity and Judaism in every age. No other name in the world has been massacred in the name of religion. That Spain. Spain Andalusia was ruled by Muslims for seven hundred and fifty years. Because that government ... It was a government of oppression and tyranny. This was achieved by the Muslims through massacre. In response, the Christians stayed for a few centuries and took back their country. Today, only 2.5 percent are Muslims and 97 percent are Christians.

            It is a bitter truth of the world that given the opportunity, whatever the powerful religions may be, they will always try to hold the weak religions hostage. It doesn't matter if they are in Judaism or Christianity, they are playing the worst role in killing each other. Standing in the line of prayers does not end the distinctions. Outside the mosque, the rich are rich, the poor are poor. Talk about practical life. 

            Even in the mosque, the rulers and elites are made to stand in front, security arrangements are made for them, the ruler prays. And the gunmen stand guard. Show by marrying from one caste to another ... Eating ivory and propaganda. There is no such thing as Islamic brotherhood. Even within the family. One brother is eating the rights of another brother and sister. Prayers and Umrah are also being performed. There is a world of benefactors standing on fraud and deceit.

The whole neighborhood is starving

               The problem is not with good people and virtues, good people are more than in the old days. In the old days, only a few old people had beards, but now there are a lot of bearded men. In the past, there was a mosque in every village, now every mosque is a mosque and there is a mosque in every street. 

            Give more importance. That is, the goodness that is beneficial for the people. Personal goodness is in fact the name of cooking and eating biryani by oneself, even if the whole neighborhood is starving. 

            If the head of the widow is bare and laying a three inch thick carpet in the mosque is not good, it is hypocrisy. If you do not keep your promise, you are betraying the trust. 

            If you lie and get out of your mind, then you are a pure hypocrite. If he is a Muslim, he is a hypocrite, he is a pure hypocrite. Even though he prays and fasts and thinks that he is a Muslim while he is a pure hypocrite.

Forthright according controversy

        It is quite straightforward that Muhammad ibn Qasim was the representative of the Umayyads who strengthened the foundations of their empire by martyring the grandson of the Prophet in Karbala. Muhammad ibn Qasim was not a companion, but an 18-year-old boy who was patronized by Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, who marched on the Ka'bah. Hajjaj ibn Yusuf who was the killer of Sahaba Ikram.

        There are no authoritative details about Muhammad ibn Qasim in Islamic history. If he had been a hero-type servant, something would have been written about him at some point in time and his obscure personality was taken advantage of by contemporary seditionists, General Zia-ul-Haq Muhammad bin Qasim was declared a hero for the first time through textbooks. I have agreed to go to the city of Bhanbhur near Thatta where the first mosque in Islamic history is located. This reappearance took place in the first 50 years of Islam. It was during the reign of Raja Dahir. This mosque proves that Islam in Sindh The source of the arrival of Muhammad ibn Qasim was not the Companions but the theory of Bab-ul-Islam is just a hoax.

        Personally, I am afraid to call Raja Dahir a hero because he was a king (dictator). However, I had a conversation with my friend Qazi Asif and he said that Raja Dahir is not liked as a king but because of him. He is said to have sheltered the oppressed women of Madinah who came to Sindh to escape the tyranny of the Umayyads, and Muhammad ibn Qasim was the one who attacked to kill and kidnap these Muslim women. It is written on pages 242 to 243 of Chhajnameh that Muhammad bin Qasim presented Raja Dahar's daughters Parmal Devi and Saria Devi as gifts to Caliph Waleed bin Abdul Malik. Saria Devi was the eldest daughter of Raja Dahar. However, when Saria Devi said that Muhammad bin Qasim had already raped her, Waleed bin Abdul Malik wrapped Muhammad bin Qasim in donkey skin and sent him to Damascus and on the way the attacker died a tragic death.

        Technically Pakistan should demand from the Arab world to apologize for the abduction of their daughters but it is strange that the abductor of daughters is being made a hero, the Arab world should stand firm against the crimes of Umayyads Pay tribute to Raja Dahir for his services to the protection of Arab daughters and thank Pakistan and who knows Muhammad bin Qasim in the world of Islam besides Pakistan. However, the discussion on social media regarding Muhammad bin Qasim and Raja Dahir is welcome. This study is a clear defeat for Pakistan. What has been being mixed for forty years, today's youth has rejected this fake history.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Devotion to footprints and footsteps in various religions

        Devotion to footprints in religions has been going on since ancient times. History begins with the footsteps of the Hindu god Vishnu. 

        When Lord Vishnu disappeared, his devotees began worshiping around his footprints. Footprints of the imaginary god Vishnu are present in many temples.

        In the early days of Buddhism, idols were not made, only the footprints of the Buddha were considered a blessing for the expression of devotion. These steps are in place in India, Sri Lanka, China and Thailand. Jains also have traces of sacred footprints.

        Even in the Abrahamic religions there is devotion to the holy footprints. Christians have traces of Jesus before he was taken up to heaven in the Church of Ascension Palestine.

        Similarly, the footsteps attributed to Moses are present in Damascus. In the Ka'bah there are footprints attributed to Abraham.

        Even in the subcontinent, the footprints of Sufis have been of special importance for the expression of devotion.

        No one's authentic historical status can be proved. Such markings were placed on religious sites to express devotion or for business purposes.

The Source of Ethics: Man or Someone Else?

    Pushing a deity out of a human being and then considering this deity as the source of morality and laying the foundation of morality on it, falls under the category of immorality under the concept of modern philosophy and human centrality and rational references. 

        Every morality in which the deity is the central reference, and the morality through which the deity reaches man is immoral. Where there is no centrality of man, there is only alienation, alienation of man from himself, from his human status. There is no rational justification for the deity and its centrality in modern philosophy. 

        The intellect belongs to man, not to God. That is why the great Aristotle laid the foundations of his book "Ethics" on reason twenty-four hundred years ago. What could be more immoral than to first deport or decentralize man as a human being, and to replace him with a deity, and then to teach man morality through this deity? 

        If man can acquire and practice false morality through God, then why can't he practice true morality on the basis of his own centrality? 

        It must be borne in mind that the centrality of the deity can never be the basis of morality, it is nothing but the desire of a few vested interests to pursue politics and their ideological preferences in the name of morality.

     Man's direct relationship with man is moral, and through God or someone else, is immoral.

Where are the Monotheists happy & Why...?

 Muslims not happy in Pakistan, not happy in Iran, not happy in Afghanistan, not happy in Egypt, not happy in Syria, not happy in Iraq, not happy in Gaza, not happy in Jordan, not happy in Yemen, not happy in Morocco Not happy in Lebanon, not happy in Algeria, not happy in Tunisia.

Where are the Muslims happy? They are happy in the United States, in Canada, in the United Kingdom, in Sweden, in France, in Australia, in Norway, in Denmark, in the Netherlands, in Italy, in Germany. That is, Muslims in basically every non-Muslim country are happy.

And who do they blame for their unhappiness? Not to yourself, not to your leadership, not to your system

They collectively blame all the countries where they are happy. And those countries want to change the system of their old countries, where they were unhappy. And when it doesn't happen, it kills and dies.

Essay: Importance of English Language

English language is considered as the most popular language in the world. It is spoken by billions of people from different countries and cu...