This is not a myth, it is a fact, whether a woman wears a veil or not, but the fact is that it is a veil of great pious people and families. Don't be stubborn, don't be able to lift your head with a stiff neck, hide your face with big turbans, and look at those who turn their noses and hang their noses on the bridge,
people say that a woman has a light belly but I swear by Allah that after Allah, if anyone hides his sins, then he is a woman, therefore the system of society is running and the thread of sanctity of relationships is running, every day if I want. I can describe such painful facts that you are just thinking, if the boy in the neighborhood teases, don't tell your brother, if the brother teases, don't tell Abu, if Abu teases, don't tell anyone,

if the father-in-law teases, don't tell the husband Do not tell the mother-in-law if she is teased, but when the woman speaks, believe her. - Exceptions are everywhere but exceptions do not play a role but prove the rule -
Boys or girls are first attacked by close relatives, but are hidden from fear of mischief. Those who are campaigning to persuade women to open their mouths actually want mischief on earth. Surely they will lie on the too because the one who saved one life saved the whole humanity;
every woman without exception has faced sexual harassment & embarrassment by some relative and she Ignored it on someone's advice, and that's the good thing, because the man didn't get married, the woman did, and the infamous woman's relationship is hard to come by.