
Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Imperceptible but devastating punishments

One of the students said to his teacher: We disobey Allah day and night but Allah does not punish us.

 Respected teacher replied: No such thing but how many punishments Allah Almighty gives us but we do not realize it.

  Listen to what are the punishments of Allah ...

 1- Deprived of the pleasures of divine prayers: Has not the pleasure of prayers been taken away from you by the Lord?


 2- Cruelty of heart: What could be a greater punishment than hardening one's heart?


 3- One of the major punishments is that you get very little success in good deeds.

 4- Neglecting the recitation of the Qur'an  Fear of Allah would have shattered * We hear this verse but it has no effect on our hearts?


 5- Deprivation of Tahajjud: Long nights pass but Tahajjud is never successful?


 6- Disregarding the spring of good deeds: The spring of good deeds comes and goes, such as the fast of Ramadan, the fast of Shawwal and the blessed days of Dhu al-Hijjah, etc ....  What could be the greater punishment?

  7- Feeling the burden of worship: Don't you feel the burden of worship?


 8- Neglecting the remembrance of Allah: Does not the remembrance of Allah keep your tongue silent?

 9- Don't you feel weak in the face of desires?


 10- Love of the world: Aren't you suffering from greed for wealth and position and fame?  What could be a greater punishment?


 11- Considering major sins as minor: Is it not the case that you consider major sins as minor and insignificant like lying backbiting?

 12- Aren't you often engaged in frivolous things?

 13- Ignorance of the Hereafter: Have you not forgotten the Hereafter and made this world your greatest goal?

 All this deprivation and helplessness are also punishments and punishments from Allah but you do not realize it.

 Remember that this is a very minor torment of Allah which we feel in our wealth, children and health and the real torment and the most dangerous punishment is that which befalls the heart.

 Therefore, ask Allah for forgiveness and ask forgiveness for your sins because the servant is deprived of the ability to worship because of sin.

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