
Friday, 15 April 2022

After identifying your own problems, waiting for the solution

 You said that conditions in this country are favorable for revolution. So the qiblah will be due to these lousy politicians. So every revolutionary has to face the bad guys. Therefore, before chanting the slogan of revolution, every revolutionary should check who he is dealing with. As far as Khan's good thinking is concerned, Qiblah Khan in the current context which is called Bamboozle Post-Truth Fake Social Media is a product of this wave. It should be seen in the light of this global populist turn, such as Trump's USA, Putin's Russia, Modi in India, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey, Victor Orban in Hungary, Andrzej Duda in Poland, and Andrzej Duda in France and Austria. Opposition leaders are representatives of all these authoritarian right-wing political ideologies who are more interested in replacing liberal democracy with populist authoritarianism than the welfare of the people. They have no economic plan, as the finance minister of the Imrani government has told them, they have nothing to sell but public outrage and resentment. How will this region adopt the Statist-Collectivists totalitarian thinking of Marx, Engels, Lenin, where so many educated people weep over their political understanding. That is why, like the Medina model or Saudi Arabia, there is a family monarchy or dictatorship. An ideal laissez-faire capitalism-free, unregulated, government-free economic system is, I think, much better than Marx's socialist system. The practical concept of a complete socialist state is still missing, but we demonstrate a capitalist system every day. This system, if fully implemented, saves a welfare, government grant, relief from the Great Depression. It does not, however, offer all human beings as a Sacrificial animal for the happiness of the Chinese model community. And no utopian or religious divinity shows the mirage of paradise, but here one does introduce a somewhat real standard system - of which there are many practical examples.

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