
Friday, 15 April 2022

A few words on the current situation.


 Khan got involved with bad politicians, due to which the funeral of his internationalism was shattered. He came up with a good idea, but he was incompetent in terms of political and economic process. If he had read the writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, he would have gone to the top in that country, and if nothing else, someone would have read him Marx's book "Bonaparte's Eighteenth Bromeier" or read it himself. Because this is the country where conditions are conducive to revolution. The tragedy, however, was that the state moved towards Madinah, a simple state of a tribal system. Where the most complex capitalist economy, where the predictions of the founders of Marxism have been proved wrong. On the one hand, there is the great Gramsci, the Theosophists, and on the other, Lukash's Marxist humanism. Later Frankfurt School. The big ones have been proven wrong, and will continue to be proven wrong. This capitalism made Marx wonder how it could survive any crisis.

 Our comrades sit at home and try to prove themselves as Marxists by abusing capitalism. But these are the same Marxists about whom Marx said that if they are Marxists then I am not a Marxist. There, Marx wanted reform, and a puppet Marxist was entangled in the delusion of revolution.

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