
Thursday, 1 July 2021

Israel's coastal and the Arabs

At the turn of the century, Israel's coastal swamps were home to some of the world's best mosquitoes - the local Arabs had left the area uncultivable and uninhabitable - and when the Jews began buying land in those areas, the poor Arabs' silver  - They began to receive money from useless land - Jews could not easily settle in the area - According to 1920 figures, 58% of Palestine's Jewish population contracted malaria this year.

 Then the Jews performed a miracle greater than Moses' staff with their hard work - they built waterways and dried up all the swamps so that by 1940 Israel had become a malaria-free country - the swamp of the past is the  There are orchards - then the Jews start buying more land by earning from there - 10% of Israel's land is definitely occupied but 90% of the land is sold to the Jews by the Arabs themselves.

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