Reading the current political situation in Pakistan and the attitudes of politicians, the comments of artists, poets, journalists and "intellectuals" on them, I am reminded of Plato's dialogue 'Apology' in which Sharifon asks a Delphi deity: "Is there anyone wiser than Socrates?" The goddess of Pythagoras replied, "No, no one is wiser than Socrates." Now Socrates needed to confirm this statement of the goddess. Sharifon was dead, so Socrates thought he would meet people who have great names in wisdom, and see for himself how wise they are. In this regard Socrates first meets a great wise politician, and asks him a few questions, and then see the conclusion that Socrates draws in his own words:
"Neither of us knows anything good or reasonable, but
I'm still better than that." Because he doesn't know anything but thinks
he knows a lot and I don't know and I don't think I know anything. "So I'm
better than that.
After that Socrates meets some more people, like the
journalists of our country. See what Socrates concludes after meeting them in
Socrates' own words:
"The result of this investigation was that I saw that
the people who have the most fame are the most foolish and those who are not
respected are actually better and more intelligent than them."
After meeting these two types of people, Socrates came up
with the idea of meeting the great poets, including Almiya, Farhiya and all
kinds of other poets. Socrates thought that now he would be caught and the word
of the gods would be proved wrong, but he was sure that the gods do not speak
wrong. So Socrates took the most difficult poems of his poetry and started
talking to them with the question, what are the meanings of these poems?
However, when Socrates, after hearing their answers, looked at their mental
state and said:
Believe me, I am ashamed to say these words, but I am
compelled to say that every one of the people who are here can speak better to
these poets about poetry, as they themselves have done. ۔
Then I came to know that these poets do not say poetry with wisdom but with a
kind of conscience. Their condition is like that of priests who say many good
things but do not know their meaning. Besides, I have seen that poets, on the
strength of their poetry, call themselves wise even in matters of which they
have no knowledge.
After the poets came the industry. After talking to the
craftsmen, Socrates concluded that they had no knowledge of what they were
saying, based on a particular skill. And the industrialists were also suffering
from the same misunderstanding that the poets were victims of. As a result,
Socrates concludes that not every person has knowledge of everything, but only
of certain things which pertain to his field. But if you look at the
politicians in Pakistan, they are not familiar with the principles of politics,
the situation of poets is not different from them and journalists who consider
themselves experts in political matters are not even aware of the basic
principles of journalism. ۔