
Friday, 28 May 2021

The massacre of Palestinians & Abraham Maslow's theory of "Hararki of Need"

Many times the world has been reduced to ashes, not by religions, but by nationalism and the expansionist ambitions of human beings. Religion was just resorted to, look at the history of why religion was invented? Were people peaceful when there were no religions? The answer is no? Homo sapiens extinct many species for food and shelter.

If we look at Abraham Maslow's theory of "Hararki of Need", it becomes easy to understand that "religions are not part of man's need and have never fought for it, wars have always been fought on economic and geographical grounds." But religion has been used as a tool for brainwashing the common man - the context of my post is Israel and Palestine. I would like to say without any prejudice that the massacre of Palestinians is not justified in any way. The killing of any human being is not justified. Understanding the issue through the lens of religion and emotion is not a religious issue. It is very inappropriate to interpret the current situation on the basis of what did not happen 1400 years ago.

 The bitterness of society can only reduce happiness.

Where there is more poverty and ignorance. There is an abundance of human beings. And not good to eat. There are no suitable clothes on the body. Gold is not a soft bed. The sounds of mosquitoes and crickets, the stinking air and the human brain in fights think beyond killing. He brings the dead out of the grave. It cooks and eats human flesh.

There is also a level of crime. And the scale of punishment. We don't need anything.

As hard as the lifestyle will be. The culprit there will commit such a serious crime.

  When a nation starts justifying this ignorance instead of seeking a cure for ignorance, then the destruction of that nation is certain.

  Circumstances have proved that the cessation of outward worship does not make a difference; if it does, it is the cessation of the economic system.

Pythagoras idea mythology, possible, abstract and concrete form, Ibn Sina, Farabi, Aristotle

 Both forms of the idea are possible: Abstract and Concrete.

        Pythagoras saw the human soul in a dog, and the whole of Hindu mythology is a reflection of the idea that the soul goes astray until it is saved. This is their view of hell. Similarly, there is an idea that the survival of the soul based on action is nonsense. The soul is the form of the body that ends with death. 

        The originator of this idea was not an ordinary religious reformer but the great minded teacher Aristotle. Following in the footsteps of Aristotle, Ibn Sina and Farabi later denied death.

Well, it will take a long time, if you think that the idea is concrete, not abstract or mere, then please show the validity of the idea, otherwise your idea is just a delusion which is devoid of content. 

                        The idea of ​​content is just an idea.

The best example of this is given by Hegel in logic that if the idea is concrete then it is concrete nature.

        What you are saying is a possibility, which can be true or false. So, sir, the point of the post that is presented in the post, is your position easily.

        The problem is actually in the understanding of materialism, most people take selfishness and materialism from materialism while this is absolutely wrong. When it comes to materialism, it means that human consciousness is from matter and not matter is derived from consciousness. , That is, matter is real, consciousness is its creation, if there were no matter, there would be no consciousness.

"Human consciousness does not determine man's existence, but on the contrary, man's social existence determines his consciousness."

        In simple words, this means that man has gone through stages of consciousness as a result of his physical activities. In order to get food, he has to go to great lengths, because in the early days of human life, food revolved around food. The quest introduced man to science, politics, art and religion.

         As a result of this research, the productive forces or means of production developed and with the development of the means of production, various productive relations or productive relations were established between human beings. In short, materialism does not mean selfishness or materialism, but rather the material understanding of human evolution.

        The truth is like the famous prostitute of the city. "The truth is like the famous prostitute of the city, whom everyone knows but who is embarrassed to meet suddenly on the way. That is why it is kept secret in the darkness of night. During the day they cause trouble, are rough and ugly; Both truth and prostitution. Some people don't digest it for the rest of their lives. ” Wolfgang Borschert, considered one of the most famous German writers of the post-World War II [literature of destruction and wreckage] and died at the age of only twenty-six because of his poems, fiction and drama , In front of the door ”excerpt from, German.

The European Union resolution with Pakistan

The European Union has passed a resolution against Pakistan. It called Pakistan an extremist country and recommended sanctions.

The resolution was passed in response to the TLP's recent violent protests against France. During the session, footage of killing people and burning property was presented in Pakistan.

In the resolution, the French representatives even said that there is so much hatred against France in Pakistan that the police who tried to stop the violence were killed by calling them "agents of France".

The second argument was that such demonstrations did not take place in any other Muslim country in the world, ie this is not a problem of the Muslim Ummah. Extremism is found in Pakistan itself.

All the European countries participated in this session and 681 votes were cast in favor of imposing sanctions on Pakistan while only 3 votes were cast against it.

Such an overwhelming majority means that the whole of Europe has sided with France.

Imran Khan had expressed the same concern and said that we will resolve this issue on the diplomatic front like the Dutch issue.

But here the Malawians were adamant that we should burn the cars and end the relationship.

Now there will be a test of faith of all Malawis and Pakistanis.

Because of the sanctions under consideration

Eliminate tax exemptions for Pakistani products,

After which you can't sell there

Consideration is being given to banning remittances to Pakistan from all European countries - and to impose travel and visa restrictions on Pakistan.

What will this do-?

About 45% of Pakistan's total labor force is involved in textiles. That is millions of Pakistanis. And Europe is their biggest buyer.

Pakistanis feed their children by sending products worth about 7 billion or Rs. 1150 billion to Europe.

2.2 million Pakistanis work all over Europe. Who send 3 billion or Rs. 450 billion annually to their homes. If these restrictions are imposed, we will have to prepare ourselves to eat grass.

Article that is discussed Hinduism & Buddism while Genghian era

            In Saudi Arabia, Ramayana and Mahabharata will now be taught - the mysteries of yoga and Ayurveda will be taught - the teachings of Hinduism and Buddhism will be discussed. Now, perhaps, it is time to discuss the word "infidel" and consider the broader meaning of the word instead of using it as abusive and hateful.

        Imam Bukhari's books of hadith should be discussed in the assembly - and the material collected in the name of hadith should be discussed and tested on rational grounds - so that people of other religions They could not sketch the beloved Prophet (SAW).

        We start the massacre of our own people and the siege of our own property in the name of the sketchers - but the book from which they draw sketches based on that material - we talk on that basis. I am not qualified.

         In this last century of most religions, we also have to think about the extent to which religions have interfered in modern societies.

        "Get out of politics, Genghis Khan."

        In order to re-examine the existing philosophy, it is necessary to understand the urgent need for scholarly discussions in the assemblies.

        If you can't straighten the foundation, you will fail to correct the crookedness of the wall like the sage of Pakistani society.

God and Human affairs realization


            Man has practiced religion for thousands of years but no divine help has reached him. Mothers sacrificed their children to gain God's mercy, but God did not show mercy. The naked savage man was eaten by millions of beasts, bitten by snakes, drowned by storms, destroyed by earthquakes, but by God. 

            Do not change your doctrine - human beings built millions of places of worship, worshiped day and night in them, but the oppression of the oppressors continued and the whips that used to fall on the backs of the slaves continued to fall.

            Eventually, after millions of years of bitter experience, man realized that God does not interfere in human affairs. In the sight of God, the leaf of grass and man are all equal, so his progress depends only on hard work and leadership intellect. 

            Gradually the age of miracles passed - the era of traditional religion is over and man is no longer ready to destroy his world by believing in the teachings of religion and be called a fool.

Tokyo city in Japan has honestly topped & facts

            The city of Tokyo in Japan has honestly topped the world today and how is Japan number one in the world .....

                        These ten facts will tell you the reason.

1- In Japan, from the first grade to the third grade, children are also taught a subject in which they are taught and explained about everyday affairs and ethics of dealing with people.

2. In Japan, there is no concept of failing children from first grade to third grade. Because the purpose of educating these young children is to train them and build their personality, not indoctrination and traditional education.

3. Although the Japanese are one of the richest nations in the world, there is no concept of a servant in their household. Parents are responsible for children and the home.

4. Japanese children, along with their teachers, sweep and clean their school for 15 minutes daily. The purpose of this exercise is to make them morally humble and practically clean.

5- Every child in Japan also takes their toothbrush with them to school. After eating and drinking at school, they have their teeth cleaned. From their childhood, they are made to take care of their health.

6- Teachers and administrators in schools eat half an hour before the students to check the quality of food and ensure the safety of the children. Because they understand that these children are the future of Japan and how important it is to ensure their safety.

7- In Japan, a cleaner is called by a special name which means health engineer. His salary ranges from 000 5,000 to 000 8,000. Candidates for this job pass regular oral and written exams.

8- Mobile phones are not used in cars, restaurants and closed places in Japan. In Japan, silent mode mobile is given a special name which means adherence to ethics.

9. In Japan, if you go to an open party or a buffet dinner, you will see that people put food on their plates as needed. Leaving food on plates is not a Japanese habit.

10. The average vehicle delay in Japan is 7 seconds throughout the year. People are appreciative of Japanese time and know the value of minutes and seconds .....

11- Very good but one important thing is that in Japanese are not rich is  Not a single Japanese out of 100 rich people in the world ۰۰ Life is very simple

And the telephone silent mode which is called "Manner mode" in Japanese and we also have the silencer of the bike blown by the youth so that they can make more noise all over the board.

History will always remember that it repeats itself / Andalusia is called Spain

            Andalusia is called Spain today. . . There, Tariq bin Ziyad heated up the carnage, which is unprecedented. Bloodshed is found in Islam, Christianity and Judaism in every age. No other name in the world has been massacred in the name of religion. That Spain. Spain Andalusia was ruled by Muslims for seven hundred and fifty years. Because that government ... It was a government of oppression and tyranny. This was achieved by the Muslims through massacre. In response, the Christians stayed for a few centuries and took back their country. Today, only 2.5 percent are Muslims and 97 percent are Christians.

            It is a bitter truth of the world that given the opportunity, whatever the powerful religions may be, they will always try to hold the weak religions hostage. It doesn't matter if they are in Judaism or Christianity, they are playing the worst role in killing each other. Standing in the line of prayers does not end the distinctions. Outside the mosque, the rich are rich, the poor are poor. Talk about practical life. 

            Even in the mosque, the rulers and elites are made to stand in front, security arrangements are made for them, the ruler prays. And the gunmen stand guard. Show by marrying from one caste to another ... Eating ivory and propaganda. There is no such thing as Islamic brotherhood. Even within the family. One brother is eating the rights of another brother and sister. Prayers and Umrah are also being performed. There is a world of benefactors standing on fraud and deceit.

Essay: Importance of English Language

English language is considered as the most popular language in the world. It is spoken by billions of people from different countries and cu...