
Friday, 28 May 2021

Tokyo city in Japan has honestly topped & facts

            The city of Tokyo in Japan has honestly topped the world today and how is Japan number one in the world .....

                        These ten facts will tell you the reason.

1- In Japan, from the first grade to the third grade, children are also taught a subject in which they are taught and explained about everyday affairs and ethics of dealing with people.

2. In Japan, there is no concept of failing children from first grade to third grade. Because the purpose of educating these young children is to train them and build their personality, not indoctrination and traditional education.

3. Although the Japanese are one of the richest nations in the world, there is no concept of a servant in their household. Parents are responsible for children and the home.

4. Japanese children, along with their teachers, sweep and clean their school for 15 minutes daily. The purpose of this exercise is to make them morally humble and practically clean.

5- Every child in Japan also takes their toothbrush with them to school. After eating and drinking at school, they have their teeth cleaned. From their childhood, they are made to take care of their health.

6- Teachers and administrators in schools eat half an hour before the students to check the quality of food and ensure the safety of the children. Because they understand that these children are the future of Japan and how important it is to ensure their safety.

7- In Japan, a cleaner is called by a special name which means health engineer. His salary ranges from 000 5,000 to 000 8,000. Candidates for this job pass regular oral and written exams.

8- Mobile phones are not used in cars, restaurants and closed places in Japan. In Japan, silent mode mobile is given a special name which means adherence to ethics.

9. In Japan, if you go to an open party or a buffet dinner, you will see that people put food on their plates as needed. Leaving food on plates is not a Japanese habit.

10. The average vehicle delay in Japan is 7 seconds throughout the year. People are appreciative of Japanese time and know the value of minutes and seconds .....

11- Very good but one important thing is that in Japanese are not rich is  Not a single Japanese out of 100 rich people in the world ۰۰ Life is very simple

And the telephone silent mode which is called "Manner mode" in Japanese and we also have the silencer of the bike blown by the youth so that they can make more noise all over the board.

History will always remember that it repeats itself / Andalusia is called Spain

            Andalusia is called Spain today. . . There, Tariq bin Ziyad heated up the carnage, which is unprecedented. Bloodshed is found in Islam, Christianity and Judaism in every age. No other name in the world has been massacred in the name of religion. That Spain. Spain Andalusia was ruled by Muslims for seven hundred and fifty years. Because that government ... It was a government of oppression and tyranny. This was achieved by the Muslims through massacre. In response, the Christians stayed for a few centuries and took back their country. Today, only 2.5 percent are Muslims and 97 percent are Christians.

            It is a bitter truth of the world that given the opportunity, whatever the powerful religions may be, they will always try to hold the weak religions hostage. It doesn't matter if they are in Judaism or Christianity, they are playing the worst role in killing each other. Standing in the line of prayers does not end the distinctions. Outside the mosque, the rich are rich, the poor are poor. Talk about practical life. 

            Even in the mosque, the rulers and elites are made to stand in front, security arrangements are made for them, the ruler prays. And the gunmen stand guard. Show by marrying from one caste to another ... Eating ivory and propaganda. There is no such thing as Islamic brotherhood. Even within the family. One brother is eating the rights of another brother and sister. Prayers and Umrah are also being performed. There is a world of benefactors standing on fraud and deceit.

The whole neighborhood is starving

               The problem is not with good people and virtues, good people are more than in the old days. In the old days, only a few old people had beards, but now there are a lot of bearded men. In the past, there was a mosque in every village, now every mosque is a mosque and there is a mosque in every street. 

            Give more importance. That is, the goodness that is beneficial for the people. Personal goodness is in fact the name of cooking and eating biryani by oneself, even if the whole neighborhood is starving. 

            If the head of the widow is bare and laying a three inch thick carpet in the mosque is not good, it is hypocrisy. If you do not keep your promise, you are betraying the trust. 

            If you lie and get out of your mind, then you are a pure hypocrite. If he is a Muslim, he is a hypocrite, he is a pure hypocrite. Even though he prays and fasts and thinks that he is a Muslim while he is a pure hypocrite.

Forthright according controversy

        It is quite straightforward that Muhammad ibn Qasim was the representative of the Umayyads who strengthened the foundations of their empire by martyring the grandson of the Prophet in Karbala. Muhammad ibn Qasim was not a companion, but an 18-year-old boy who was patronized by Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, who marched on the Ka'bah. Hajjaj ibn Yusuf who was the killer of Sahaba Ikram.

        There are no authoritative details about Muhammad ibn Qasim in Islamic history. If he had been a hero-type servant, something would have been written about him at some point in time and his obscure personality was taken advantage of by contemporary seditionists, General Zia-ul-Haq Muhammad bin Qasim was declared a hero for the first time through textbooks. I have agreed to go to the city of Bhanbhur near Thatta where the first mosque in Islamic history is located. This reappearance took place in the first 50 years of Islam. It was during the reign of Raja Dahir. This mosque proves that Islam in Sindh The source of the arrival of Muhammad ibn Qasim was not the Companions but the theory of Bab-ul-Islam is just a hoax.

        Personally, I am afraid to call Raja Dahir a hero because he was a king (dictator). However, I had a conversation with my friend Qazi Asif and he said that Raja Dahir is not liked as a king but because of him. He is said to have sheltered the oppressed women of Madinah who came to Sindh to escape the tyranny of the Umayyads, and Muhammad ibn Qasim was the one who attacked to kill and kidnap these Muslim women. It is written on pages 242 to 243 of Chhajnameh that Muhammad bin Qasim presented Raja Dahar's daughters Parmal Devi and Saria Devi as gifts to Caliph Waleed bin Abdul Malik. Saria Devi was the eldest daughter of Raja Dahar. However, when Saria Devi said that Muhammad bin Qasim had already raped her, Waleed bin Abdul Malik wrapped Muhammad bin Qasim in donkey skin and sent him to Damascus and on the way the attacker died a tragic death.

        Technically Pakistan should demand from the Arab world to apologize for the abduction of their daughters but it is strange that the abductor of daughters is being made a hero, the Arab world should stand firm against the crimes of Umayyads Pay tribute to Raja Dahir for his services to the protection of Arab daughters and thank Pakistan and who knows Muhammad bin Qasim in the world of Islam besides Pakistan. However, the discussion on social media regarding Muhammad bin Qasim and Raja Dahir is welcome. This study is a clear defeat for Pakistan. What has been being mixed for forty years, today's youth has rejected this fake history.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Devotion to footprints and footsteps in various religions

        Devotion to footprints in religions has been going on since ancient times. History begins with the footsteps of the Hindu god Vishnu. 

        When Lord Vishnu disappeared, his devotees began worshiping around his footprints. Footprints of the imaginary god Vishnu are present in many temples.

        In the early days of Buddhism, idols were not made, only the footprints of the Buddha were considered a blessing for the expression of devotion. These steps are in place in India, Sri Lanka, China and Thailand. Jains also have traces of sacred footprints.

        Even in the Abrahamic religions there is devotion to the holy footprints. Christians have traces of Jesus before he was taken up to heaven in the Church of Ascension Palestine.

        Similarly, the footsteps attributed to Moses are present in Damascus. In the Ka'bah there are footprints attributed to Abraham.

        Even in the subcontinent, the footprints of Sufis have been of special importance for the expression of devotion.

        No one's authentic historical status can be proved. Such markings were placed on religious sites to express devotion or for business purposes.

The Source of Ethics: Man or Someone Else?

    Pushing a deity out of a human being and then considering this deity as the source of morality and laying the foundation of morality on it, falls under the category of immorality under the concept of modern philosophy and human centrality and rational references. 

        Every morality in which the deity is the central reference, and the morality through which the deity reaches man is immoral. Where there is no centrality of man, there is only alienation, alienation of man from himself, from his human status. There is no rational justification for the deity and its centrality in modern philosophy. 

        The intellect belongs to man, not to God. That is why the great Aristotle laid the foundations of his book "Ethics" on reason twenty-four hundred years ago. What could be more immoral than to first deport or decentralize man as a human being, and to replace him with a deity, and then to teach man morality through this deity? 

        If man can acquire and practice false morality through God, then why can't he practice true morality on the basis of his own centrality? 

        It must be borne in mind that the centrality of the deity can never be the basis of morality, it is nothing but the desire of a few vested interests to pursue politics and their ideological preferences in the name of morality.

     Man's direct relationship with man is moral, and through God or someone else, is immoral.

Where are the Monotheists happy & Why...?

 Muslims not happy in Pakistan, not happy in Iran, not happy in Afghanistan, not happy in Egypt, not happy in Syria, not happy in Iraq, not happy in Gaza, not happy in Jordan, not happy in Yemen, not happy in Morocco Not happy in Lebanon, not happy in Algeria, not happy in Tunisia.

Where are the Muslims happy? They are happy in the United States, in Canada, in the United Kingdom, in Sweden, in France, in Australia, in Norway, in Denmark, in the Netherlands, in Italy, in Germany. That is, Muslims in basically every non-Muslim country are happy.

And who do they blame for their unhappiness? Not to yourself, not to your leadership, not to your system

They collectively blame all the countries where they are happy. And those countries want to change the system of their old countries, where they were unhappy. And when it doesn't happen, it kills and dies.

Essay: Importance of English Language

English language is considered as the most popular language in the world. It is spoken by billions of people from different countries and cu...