
Thursday 8 November 2012


He throws light on the light of vitamins for the growth of human body. He has also described various kinds of vitamins and their sources to get them. 
He defines vitamins as certain substances that are vital for the smooth growth and good health. They are named after letters from the alphabet such as A,B,C,D,E, etc. 
they are divided according to their solubility: vitamins A,D and E are soluble in fats and oils while vitamins B and C 

are soluble in water. The presences of these vitamins have deep effects on human body. Different food articles are rich in different vitamins. Vitamin A is found in cod liver oil, butter and green vegetables. 

Its deficiency impairs natural growth. Vitamin B is found in yeast and grain. Vitamin C is also important element of our diet. 
It is found in fresh vegetables, peas and beans. Its deficiency results in scurvy. Vitamin D is found in cod liver oil and in animal fats. Its deficiency causes rickets. 

Vitamin E is found in leaves and seedling. The writer concludes that people can save money by eating a balanced and vitamin rich diet that can keep them healthy and physically active.

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