
Showing posts with label Principle Secularism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Principle Secularism. Show all posts

Monday, 11 April 2022

Britain and Secularism: Some Concerns (First Principle of Secularism)

I think Britain is a liberal country but it has not yet risen to the level of secular. The first basic principle of secularism is to keep religion separate from state institutions. So is Britain a secular country in this regard? My answer is, no! Britain can only be called a secular country if it adheres to the basic tenets of secularism. What are the reasons I object to the fact that Britain is not a secular country? Let's take a brief look.

1. The point is, the Queen of England, who is the head of the Church of England, is the head of the United Kingdom constitutionally, albeit metaphorically.

2. Religious education in UK state schools has the same meaning that religion is not separate from state institutions, whereas it should be. This means banning religious education in schools.

3. Providing places of worship in government buildings is also a negation of secularism, such as universities, local councils and even parliament and other government institutions.

4. There should be a ban on taking oath on the basis of religious books in the courts. Religious oaths are unnecessary when everything comes to light in the investigation.

5. Most religious people are praying in a park, on a road or sidewalk. Allowing religious rites in public places is against secular society, because this act of worship is offensive to many secular people like me. Therefore, public places should be kept free from these superstitions.

6. Religion is an individual matter. Worship should be limited to homes and places of worship.

7. Funding of places of worship in the UK is also a negation of secularism, which should be stopped immediately.

8. The state should revoke the existing licenses, instead of issuing more licenses to the hundreds of religious TV channels that are open. This business in the name of religion is against secular values.

Because secularism should not only advocate the separation of religion in political matters, but also the state should separate itself from the social and cultural affairs of religion. I am not saying that the state should oppress anyone, but I am insisting only that the state should completely separate itself from religion. I am sending a detailed letter to Parliament in the next few days to bring British society in line with the basic tenets of secularism.

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