
Thursday 8 November 2012

One-Act Plays

One-Act Plays       
16. The Bear
Reference to the context:
                These have been taken from the play “The Bear” written by Anton Chekov. It is the story of young beautiful woman Popove whose husband died when she was still young. 

But instead of accepting her loss realistically, the sentimental lady died to mourn through out her life and never to marry again. Her old servant Luka advised her to come out of her house and to think of the second marriage, but she did not agree to Luka proposal.

17. The Boy Comes Home
Reference to the context:
                These lines have been taken from the play “The boy comes home” written by A.A.Milne. It is the story of the young man named Philip who is living with his uncle Mr. James. His deceased father has left a large wealth but he can not get it unless he reaches the age of twenty five years. 

Philip has just return form the army. After fighting act various fronts for four years he thinks that he has become mature minded enough to management for the property of his father and to live an independent life. But his uncle is not prepared to consider his desires and to give him his due. The situation is handing toward an open confrontation between the two but it is averted through a fearful dream that forces Mr. James to change his attitude and become accommodative to this your nephew.

18. Something To Talk About
Reference to the context:

 These lines have been taking from the play “Something to talk about” written by Eden Philipots. In this play the writer tries to entertain us by describing the amusing behaviour that beaks in to their house on Christmas night to rob the precious Christmas gift lying locked in an iron safe, 

instead of  alarm they try to establish a relation friendship and trust with him. They cooperate with him in breaking open iron safe. But when he gets ready to depart with the precious ornaments they were a powerful temptation to him and make him leave the house empty hands.

19. Smoke Screen
Reference to the context:

These lines have been taking from the play “Smoke Screen” written by Brighouse. It is the story of three women Primrose her mother Lucy and her aunt Susan. 

They have different views about marriage. She is a woman of orthodox views who believes that marriage is a necessity for a woman to live a happy life and carefree life under the patronage of her husband. Her young sister Lucy is a liberal minded woman who gives great importance to personal liberty and does not like to become the slaves of men. 

She divorced her beautiful husband only because he ill treated her and proved to be a man of British nature. Her young daughter Primrose learnt the lesson from the unsuccessful marriage of her mother and decided to get married with a man of noble nature and cultured mind, through he was very ugly appearance.  

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