
Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Today, on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha

Maulvi Sahib, after the prayers and sermon, prayed in a super fast mode in which he placed a sheet of 102 demands before God.  He will be applauded for doing the right thing, otherwise he will deserve to be punished. (Nawazullah) Demands  Destroy, etc., etc., which this class keeps repeating every Friday, of which we are all well aware!

 We are eagerly waiting for Maulvi Sahib to thank us for the blessings that nature has bestowed on us, but our desire remained thirsty and not a word of thanks came out of his mouth!  I felt that when Maulvi said thank you and finally said Alhamdulillah, it was as if God was disappointed and left.

 Imagine being able to see everything from letters to emails!  Reached Instagram by wire!

  Saw the fast journey from horse, camel travel to car train and plane!  Saw humans landing on the moon and Mars.  I saw immense progress in medical science.  The structure of DNA is being written!  Even after receiving all these blessings of progress, you do not look grateful, so what is the point of God fulfilling your unfulfilled and unknown desires?

 Consider that it is the time of the Holy Prophet. Eid-ul-Adha prayers are being prepared in the Prophet's Mosque!  There is a roof of palm leaves.  The sun is shining brightly!  It is rainy season.  Imprisonment is the intensity of heat!  The companions are rowdy.  The Prophet is the Imam.  The sun is shining.  There is no shade, no electricity, no fan.  Everyone has to sit for at least an hour in this angry season.  There will be two rak'ats of prayers.  There will be a sermon.  There will be prayer.  Have to meet  Yet everyone is praising God without complaining or complaining.  Thank goodness it turned out to be a happy day.  Health and fitness.  Gave life  Peace be upon you!  Give oxygen and weights.  What would you do if you didn't give fresh water?  Everyone is gathered to give thanks.  Collectively thanked and went home!

 The ummah and mullahs of the ummah of the same prophet who call themselves the heirs of the prophets, instead of giving thanks on Fridays and Eids, come forward to fulfill the demands!  However, both prayer and supplication are not demands but thanks.  Not a holiday to fulfill desires are requested to accept thanks for the gift of blessings!  Our ignorance is that we send summons where we have to send the application and send the application where we have to send the summons!  However, instead of sending summons, there are offices of pro-imperialist rulers who have seized the resources of the country!  Who exploit.  Who deceive the people.  But no, we sing their praises and send the demand to God!

 Our work is unique. We run on Safa and Marwah under the guidance of Hazrat Hajra, but we do not dig wells for water in her name!  Their races were for a purpose.  That goal was water.  Did we arrange water for our pilgrims?  Millions of pilgrims living in the villages still fill the water from miles away with pots on their heads!  Did we ever think that under the guidance of Bibi Hajra we should also arrange water for our Ismailis?

 We celebrate Muharram every year. Did anyone come up with the idea of ​​watering the houses in the name of the thirsty people of Karbala?

 If you liked the action of Bibi Hajira or the thirst of the Imam, would you be in the country today?  Would you be thirsty ????

 Dear friends, our thoughts are nothing!

 We don't just think, we suffer because of what we think!  The classes that exploit us and hold us accountable to God, we ask them for help, we ask for solutions.

 What a simple reason why I got sick!

 We ask for medicine from the same perfume girl !!

 Change your thinking!  Introduce symbolic rituals in worship into society.  Mosques may be simple and small, but the person who is a member of the Prophet should be big and intelligent!  Prayer summons should be a request for acceptance instead of leave!  Follow Hazrat Hajra's endeavor but its division should be implemented in practice!  Fill the breath of the people of Karbala, then support the oppressed in front of the oppressor!  This is the copy-paste of good deeds and this is their division.  

Monday, 19 July 2021

The Sacrifice of Kant and ibraham

The great German philosopher Emmanuel Kant objected to Abraham's sacrifice, saying that when Jehovah God told Abraham to sacrifice his dearest thing to me, Abraham did not obey God's command by holding a knife. We should have asked God: O God! Why are you putting me to the test? You are the Knower, the Knower of all things, so why this trial?

 Abraham's act of stabbing his son Isaac or Ishmael in the neck with a sharp knife is an immoral act in Kant's view of human beings. And only a short-sighted, mentally ill person can do that. Abraham had fulfilled his obligation to God by stabbing his own son in the neck, but he had deviated from his obligation to mankind by not questioning God. It would not be out of place to call it a great crime of humanity.

 Another philosopher, Derrida, in his book The Gift of Death, echoes Kant's point. And giving priority to human support, he says that if a prophet had asked God not to put me to this test, it would have been a great favor to his humanity. Derrida's argument is that the fulfillment of responsibility on the one hand is possible only on the condition of irresponsibility on the part of the other. Either you keep God or you keep humanity. And if Abraham had been a shrewd and far-sighted prophet, innocent and speechless animals would not be sacrificed today in the name of a futile and barbaric ritual. Whenever humanity reaches its ascension, the slaughter of animals, which has been going on for thousands of years, will be imposed on Hazrat Ibrahim. And he will be called a mental patient instead of a kind father.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Don't worry about yourself Very interesting

Some people complete their education at the age of 22. But they don't get a good job for five years.

 Some people become the CEO of a company at the age of 25 and at the age of 50 we find out they have passed away.

 While some people become CEO at the age of 50 and live up to ninety years.

 Despite having a good job, some people are still unmarried and some people have got married without a job and are happier than employers.

 Obama retired at the age of 55, while Trump started at the age of 70.

 Some legends smile even when they fail the exam and some people cry even when the score is less than 1.

 Someone got a lot without any effort and some of them just kept rubbing their heels all their lives.

 Everyone in this world is working on the basis of their time zone. Apparently we feel that some people are far ahead of us and maybe it seems that some are still behind us but each person is in his own place according to his own time. Don't be jealous of them. Stay in your own time zone.

 Wait and be satisfied.

 You are neither late nor in a hurry.

 Allah, the Lord of Glory, the Greatest of the universe, has designed us all according to His own reckoning. He knows who can carry how much. What to give to whom at what time. Bind yourself to the pleasure of the Lord and believe that the decision that is sent down to us from Allah is the best ...

Saturday, 17 July 2021

I would not sacrifice but would buy a water cooler

 Last year, I was planning to buy a sacrificial animal when a liberal man posted on Facebook that I would not sacrifice but would buy a water cooler with this money and install it outside my house.

 Reason... ?

 Sacrifice does not benefit the poor man but the poor will drink cold water from my cooler

 Good ...?

 We reached the market to get the sacrificial animal. Who sells hay and fodder in the market ...?

 Poor people who were having a good goat

 Who sells ropes, chains and cans?

 Poor people who were earning well

 The merchant from whom he bought the animal was also a poor man whose livelihood was to sell animals. He said that this time he would be able to marry his daughter with this money.

 Lu Ji was happy to think that a poor man's daughter would get married

 It was very hot outside the market. Juice and syrup and carts were warming their pockets because people were drinking from glass to glass. These were also poor people who were having goats. Lada rickshaw puller is also a poor man who was earning well due to high demand nowadays.

 When he came home, he remembered the fodder of the animal. He also bought it from a poor man. On the day of Eid, a butcher also offered a sacrifice. The poor man earned a good amount in one day.

 In the end, he divided the meat into three parts according to sharee'ah and distributed the third part among many poor people who did not have access to meat all year round

  Sacrificial skins donated to a madrassa where poor children get free food and shelter

 Cooler brother .... !!

 See how one of my animals has benefited the poor financially

  If the poor have such a feeling, then feed the poor with the food you eat yourself and wear it with what you wear. Spend it on the poor by eliminating your other wasteful expenses. On which there is no compromise ***

Friday, 16 July 2021

Eid ul Azha philosophy of Sacrification

The class that insists on installing water coolers instead of sacrifices actually consists of social workers who work for the welfare of the society, then using public relations and advertising tools to promote it, which builds their image.  These individuals work individually, as well as with NGOs.  Their first rule is that whatever good deed you do, it is not acceptable unless you advertise it.  When these people had the opportunity to sacrifice and the animals were sacrificed, this pretense lasted only three days, meat was made, eaten and digested.  A long silence followed.  The image building that could have been run all year round by ambulance or water cooler was not available.  When these people could not reach the spirit of sacrifice in the cycle of pretense, they started shouting that it is better to install a water cooler.  Alas, 10-15 years from now, that is, our children now, whose parents buy them animals and give them to them to roam the neighborhood, and tell others that our animal is better.  When these children grow up, it is likely that they will be completely unfamiliar with the philosophy of sacrifice.  The philosophy of sacrifice is, in fact, pure monotheism, in which the sacrifice is made by bowing down to God, the Lord of Glory, as one lord, and making piety a part of one's soul, and acknowledging the existence of God in a state of tenderness.  Be done  And realize that the Creator of this entire universe is all His creation, for which everything from animals is sacrificed.  Even if she is in the battle of truth and falsehood, she too will be sacrificed.  If we look, in the test, Ibrahim (sws) was actually asked to sacrifice only one human being, which he fulfilled.  Later, what was God's wisdom happened.  Keep trying to instill in your children the true philosophy of sacrifice from time to time throughout the week.

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Be careful and aware

Believe me, I was not aware of the blessing of breathing. It is good for Corona. It came and connected me with the blessings." I looked at him in surprise. "These are the most practical human beings." 'Fate' does not believe in power and God 'attaches great importance to effort' is a businessman 'earned money all his life and added money but then suddenly his attitude changed 180 degrees' they now take the name of Allah every day They also recite its blessings, offer prayers and their hearts have become very soft.

 He came to me on Sunday and sat with me for two hours, saying, "Oh, thank God," with every sigh, and looking up, "I asked him, 'How are you, dear brother?' They have changed, "he said." Thanks to Corona, I have contracted the epidemic. I have stopped breathing. The children have been taken to the hospital. The treatment has continued. The doctors have finally put me in the ICU. One lakh sixteen thousand rupees were spent daily.

 I stayed in the hospital for 20 days. May Allah have mercy on me. I came back after touching the border of death. When I saw the bill while discharging, it was Rs. 31 lakh. I said to the doctor, You can give me a breakdown of this. The doctor got upset. When I insisted, he agreed.

 When the new bill came out, I found out that I needed oxygen worth Rs 9 lakh, but it was too late to see it. I performed Wudhu, recited two Nafls and thanked my Lord. This day also gives me 550 liters of oxygen and this oxygen is given to my lungs. He also arranges for delivery to and from the hospital and after that he does not send me any bill. Imagine for a second the cost of transporting oxygen to and from the lungs for 20 days was Rs. 9 lakhs and the total cost was Rs. 31 lakhs. This facility is provided free of cost on a daily basis. How much kindness is there for us? ”I immediately touched my ears, looked up at the sky and thanked my Lord for a long time.

 I have a senior friend, he is a politician, he is a senator, he is very educated, he is an experienced and intelligent man, I come to him ten days a week with two mugs of coffee, with him on his lawn. I sit down and have a coffee and enjoy their conversation. I went to him last week and Shah Sahib narrated an incident about the late Irshad Ahmad Haqqani. Irshad Ahmad Haqqani was a senior journalist and columnist in Pakistan. "My whole generation grew up reading his columns and learning to write from them," Shah Sahib said. "I was going to Iran in 1998. I met Irshad Ahmad Haqqani."

 He asked, "Will you also go to Mashhad?" I said, "I will go." He said, "You will offer special prayers for me there." I promised but got up and asked, "Are you all right?" Mr. Haqqani was saddened. "My bowel movement has stopped. The stool does not come out. I go to the hospital every day and the doctor lays me on the bed and removes the stool from my colon through the machine and it is a very painful process," he said. Sahib then touched his ears, repented and said, "We should give thanks to Allah Almighty every day."

 We can eat with our mouths and our food comes out of our stomachs, otherwise tens of millions of people in the world can eat and not eat at will. ”Hearing this, I remembered the helpless Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain. Chaudhry Sahib is a family man and a wonderful man. A friend of mine went to see him a few days ago. Chaudhry Sahib was happy and was thanking Allah Almighty again and again. When my friend asked about his health, Chaudhry Sahib He replied, "I am doing a lot of improv. I now eat with my mouth and stand on my feet." The friend asked, "How was your condition before that?" He said, "My legs did not carry my load and I had a tube in my stomach.

 The doctor used to feed me through it. I missed the taste in my mouth. Praise be to God, I can eat little by little now and I can still walk. Chaudhry got up after the meeting and left the guest at the door. He came and he was very happy with it. I was similarly told by another famous politician of the country. Asif Ali Zardari invited him to dinner. When he arrived at the invitation, there were dozens of meals on the table.

 According to him, when I picked up my plate, Zardari's secretary came and placed his food in front of him. In small bowls, there was a little bhandi, dal, boiled rice and half chapati. Zardari took a few bites and the waitress I picked up the tray and asked him about his simple food. He laughed and said, "My food is limited to okra and plain rice. I can't eat anything but them." I asked. "Don't you eat meat?" He laughed again and said, "I can't eat meat." I really wanted to ask him why, but he remained silent out of respect. "I came back after eating, but believe me. After that, whenever I start eating, I remember Mr. Zardari's tray and I forget to eat.

 I know many people who have been blessed with power, fame and money by Allah Almighty. They change the lives of hundreds of people and take the land by the feet of hundreds of thousands of people but they can wear their own shirts. I know a bank owner. When he wakes up in the morning, four servants take an hour to get him out of bed. It's his muscles. Massage enables them to move their body.

 Her car seat is also a massage chair. It keeps her lightly pressed during the journey and the ambulance is always ready at both her office and home. If you see wealth and influence, you will be jealous and you If you look at his condition, you will repent for two hours. Who is a tycoon of hotels and motels in Pakistan? Sadruddin Hashwani. He has been seriously ill for five or six years. Both the doctor and the physiotherapist are with him all the time. Travel with them in a private plane.

 The world where physiotherapists keep looking for physiotherapy machines for them. I agreed to go to Baden, Germany. It is a town of massage and indigenous baths. The city has two hundred years old massage centers and rich people from all over the world. They go there for massages, they don't get bookings for six months. If you look at the condition of the people there, you will lose sleep. The patient's profile has a company of ten billion dollars, but if you look at the condition, they stand up straight We humans are not able to stand on our own two feet after a vein is drawn. We are not able to lift a spoon and swallow. This is our real time.

 I am a very ordinary person. My achievements are not equal to A. But a few days ago I had two incidents and they shook me from inside. I have been walking continuously for 22 years. Ten to fifteen kilometers was a normal thing. I also considered myself "super fit". Food was very low and peace of mind. Lifestyle peace and exercise twice a day and walk at night but then one day. As I walked, my knee refused to lift my load. I had severe pain in my leg and I was almost unable to walk.

 By the grace and mercy of Allah I am now back to normal track due to physiotherapy but this incident reminded me of my times 'I found out in a few minutes that both my fitness and precaution are meaningless in this system of Allah' The second incident was even more frightening. I tried to swallow the bullet and it got stuck in my throat. It stuck in my throat for ten seconds. Believe me, that ten seconds was the most difficult period of my life.

 I saw death right in front of me during that time. That difficult time also passed. The bullet also went from the throat to the stomach. But those ten seconds told me my importance, time and time. I would get up and sit every moment after that. I give thanks to Allah and when I wake up in the morning and at night I count the blessings of Allah and sleep and wake up. May you also keep counting the blessings of Allah and also keep meeting the people who need medicine, doctors and hospitals. Facilities are available but they are deprived of Allah's mercy so they can eat, get up and not sit down, they can only look left and right with helplessness.

Monday, 12 July 2021

Cape Town in Africa is not the last warning


 * Pakistanis also want your number to come

 You may have heard the name Cape Town.

 * It is one of the richest cities in Africa.

 * South Africa's parliament is located in this city.

 * Many billionaires of the world have bought property here.

 * The blue ocean embraces the gray Indian Ocean on the shores of Cape Town.

 * Forty-five million population, like every modern and prosperous city is divided into two classes.

 * Servant and servant.

 * Those who are Makhdoom are very Makhdoom.

 * Everyone's colors are clear and shimmering.

 * The axis of life is villas with large swimming pools, shady streets, fresh model cars, farmhouses, corporate business and parties.

 Eighty percent of the city's water resources are used by 20 percent of the servants and the remaining 80 percent of the servants have access to 20 percent of the water.

 * Ten years ago, some insane experts warned that growing population, overdevelopment (which cannot be translated into Urdu) and climate change will soon make Cape Town uninhabitable. Obviously, everyone laughed at this warning.  shall be.

 * Until three years ago, Cape Town was a busy Tuesday.

 * To meet the city's water needs, the reservoirs of six dams in the vicinity used to store 25 billion gallons of water at a time.

 * Amra had no problem changing the water in the swimming pool every week.

 * It was also customary to bathe the dogs twice a day.

 * The car is obviously washed daily, the garden will not give financial water, so what is the need for money.

 * Then God did so that the drought came, the tongues of the mountains, semi-mountains and plains that fill the water reservoirs came out.

 * Gradually, from August last year, water scarcity began to bite every class in Cape Town.

 By December, it had turned into a water emergency, and today the water level in Cape Town's six largest reservoirs has dropped to 24 percent.

 * When it reaches ten percent, water will be practically available in the form of mud.

 * Therefore, water martial law has to be enforced.

 * Anti-water crime patrol of the local police is active to prevent water looting, robbery, snatching of water and theft in the water reservoirs and drains which are currently full of water.

 * Two hundred emergency water centers have been set up to supply water to the West

 * From where fifty liters of ration per family per day can be obtained (this water is equal to the water falling from the bath shower for eight minutes).

 * Swimming pool, gardening and car washing is a felony police offense.

 * Five star restaurants are using paper crockery.

 * In good hotels, the shower automatically shuts off after two minutes.

 * This crisis will be more serious until the first week of July

 * Day Zero will come.

 * Day Zero means scarcity of potable water.

 * The government is already preparing to deal with Day Zero.

 Cape Town is set to become the world's first day zero city.

 One hundred and nineteen other cities are standing behind it.

 * India's IT capital Bangalore

 * And Pakistan's Karachi, Lahore and Quetta are also included.

 If not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow.

 * Recovery time is rapidly decreasing.

 But in the state in which the largest freshwater lake Manchar became a cup of poison,

 * Where the Kalri Lake, which supplies water to Karachi, was cut off by a canal carrying contaminated water (LBOD), which supplies fresh water from Haleji.

 Where Quetta's Hana Lake turned into a dry papad,

 * Where rivers and beaches are being turned into garbage dumps of raw waste and industrial waste, there is mass rape,

 * By growing vegetables with poisonous water, we are taking them in the stomachs of our children to make them look farm fresh.

 * Where the situation is going and how serious they are

 * And to erase this feeling as just being told on every forum.

 * After that, the time is not far when clean and dirty water is available for a court's self-notice.

 Don't be embarrassed by asking for ablution, O Mir

 He is poor. There is no dust in the house for tayammum.

Essay: Importance of English Language

English language is considered as the most popular language in the world. It is spoken by billions of people from different countries and cu...