
Friday, 16 July 2021

Eid ul Azha philosophy of Sacrification

The class that insists on installing water coolers instead of sacrifices actually consists of social workers who work for the welfare of the society, then using public relations and advertising tools to promote it, which builds their image.  These individuals work individually, as well as with NGOs.  Their first rule is that whatever good deed you do, it is not acceptable unless you advertise it.  When these people had the opportunity to sacrifice and the animals were sacrificed, this pretense lasted only three days, meat was made, eaten and digested.  A long silence followed.  The image building that could have been run all year round by ambulance or water cooler was not available.  When these people could not reach the spirit of sacrifice in the cycle of pretense, they started shouting that it is better to install a water cooler.  Alas, 10-15 years from now, that is, our children now, whose parents buy them animals and give them to them to roam the neighborhood, and tell others that our animal is better.  When these children grow up, it is likely that they will be completely unfamiliar with the philosophy of sacrifice.  The philosophy of sacrifice is, in fact, pure monotheism, in which the sacrifice is made by bowing down to God, the Lord of Glory, as one lord, and making piety a part of one's soul, and acknowledging the existence of God in a state of tenderness.  Be done  And realize that the Creator of this entire universe is all His creation, for which everything from animals is sacrificed.  Even if she is in the battle of truth and falsehood, she too will be sacrificed.  If we look, in the test, Ibrahim (sws) was actually asked to sacrifice only one human being, which he fulfilled.  Later, what was God's wisdom happened.  Keep trying to instill in your children the true philosophy of sacrifice from time to time throughout the week.

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