
Tuesday, 5 July 2022

What is the reason that human life is getting shorter ?

Human skeletons have been discovered which were much older than us. Now why do we die at a young age?

the answer. The average age of human beings has been increasing rapidly for the last one or two centuries, not decreasing. And there are more elderly people in the world today than at any other time in the history of mankind. Maternal and child mortality rates are touching the lowest levels. Achieving these milestones is the key to the tremendous development of medical sciences, the best treatment and the abundant availability of food.

As far as the discovery of human skeletons is concerned, not a single skeleton has yet been discovered whose age or height has exceeded that of modern humans. All those discovered were younger.

One of the basic principles of psychology is that once something is believed, it cannot be shaken.

 Be it belief in conspiracy theories, space creatures, political and religious ideology or belief, ghosts or any other form. After reaching the stage of certainty, the door of return is closed.

 Even if any evidence is presented against it. Because this belief is stronger than the truth and comforts the heart.
For some, it becomes so important that if they are challenged, they will be ready to fight.

There is another interesting principle of psychology in this regard which is called backfire effect. The stronger the evidence, the stronger their belief in alternative reality.

That is, instead of changing their opinion by looking at the facts and evidence, their belief in the belief and thinking that they have already accepted becomes stronger and stronger.

An other information about MIGHT / MYTE (an organism)

This creature is called a relative who lives inside our eyelids. It comes out during our sleep at night to walk on your face. Its males and females combine to make pollen on your face. Its female lays 20 to 24 eggs inside each of your eyelid hairs. The job of this relative is to refresh the dead skin of our face daily, which we are performing natural cosmetic procedures while sleeping.

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