
Saturday, 14 May 2022

Philosophical and Religious God

A religious thinker has stated that the reason for denying God in philosophy is ontological argument. While we say that the position of religions is also ontological. For example, the greatest theologian brings only the "argument" as to where the universe came from and then without argument claims that it was created by God. The question then goes, Who created God? And how is it possible that God created the universe? It is the responsibility of the one who claims to have created the universe to make this point clear and to prove it. However, we see that God has been missing for many centuries for unknown reasons. We've documented his disappearance many times, but it's possible he did. I don't know why he is so ashamed. Since he cannot come forward, lies are being spread in his name.

Although the basis of ontological argument is philosophical, the great Aristotle, in his book Science of Ontology, discussed in detail in his book Metaphysics Four, discovered a first principle which is not the creator of the universe. Was, in fact, the cause of motion in the universe. Religious people do not know that if there is no ontology, meaning no existence, or no universe, matter, etc., then there is no such thing, and if there is no such thing, then there is no God, and there is no belief in God. So where will the debate come from? However, it is true that religious gods have lost their case due to their ontological position. If God's own books do not offer any proof of his existence, should philosophers give the answer? This is ridiculous.

Now the problem is that whenever religious people bring arguments in favor of God, instead of bringing their own religious books, which they say were sent by the same God, they use the arguments of these few philosophers. There are those who see the Creator in the universe, but do not acknowledge the folly of these religions in the name of God and in His books. The principle is that God proves Himself through His own books. But that is not the case. The authors of these religious books, as far as they know, claim to be nothing more than stupidity.

Religious people do not even know that the philosophical God is only to the extent of the universe, and he does not interfere in the affairs of the people. As Aristotle said, God does not know the details, if He has, He only knows the Universals. Unlike the philosophical god, the religious god who considers it necessary to get involved in every issue, cannot even explain himself. Philosophical God, if there is one, is great in that He has made man active, endowed him with intellect, the simultaneous presence of intellect and revelation gives rise to irreconcilable contradictions, and the whole history of religions confirms this. That is, whenever the intellect is active with all its might, the manipulations of revelation begin to take place, and then its defenders start fighting the rationalists. If God is rational, then He needed to create rationalists. Otherwise, only murderers have been created who are always engaged in subjugating the intellect to revelation, instead of elevating it to the level of revelation. Bring it to the level of. They take pleasure in bringing down the intellect.

The god of religion is something else. The god of Judaism, for example, was a racial and tribal god. If you have read the Bible you must have read that he used to talk to Abraham through Isaac, Jacob and later other "prophets". For example, in the Jewish tradition, the "Ten Commandments" were spoken and written by God Himself to Moses. The God of the Jews was racist, and unjustifiably hated other races. Ordered to kill them, even to kill their cattle. There was no reason other than that he wanted to be given such and such land, such and such land.

The God of Christianity was not universal either. Christ said in the Gospel that He only came in search of the lost sheep of the Jews. So the God of Christianity was also racist. His characteristic, however, was that he took on a human form and was finally crucified, freeing and activating the human intellect. And this idea formed the basis of modern Western philosophy that after Christ human will is free and later Kant provided rational basis for morality and discovered that there is no morality without free will.

The God of the Arabs was also a god of the Arabs before Muhammad. Then he used it. He made God not universal but very bigoted and biased. He was so biased that he fought wars with the infidels alongside the Muslims and stoned the infidels.

Now, knowing all this religious nonsense, a reasonable person must become an atheist, provided that faith has not taken away from him all his ability to think. Philosophers sought to reconcile Christian philosophy with the concept of "essential existence." Therefore, the concept of obligatory existence is not religious in itself, but has been established by rationalist philosophers, which is used by theologians. The concept of the essential existence of God was discovered in the tenth century by the Christian theologian St. Anselm. 

The modern founders of this concept were the German philosophers Leibniz and Wolf. But Kant dispelled his metaphysical rhetoric, making it clear that God is merely an idea of ​​reason, which cannot be verified by sensory experience. Therefore, the concept of essential existence was logically shattered. These issues have not reached these people, because they are ignorant of the history of philosophy, they come up with the same old "arguments" which have been thrown in the dustbin of history.

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