
Monday, 11 April 2022

Ghazali and Hume: Addiction and Disability - Phase -II

To understand in more depth the nature of the relationship between coincidence and necessity, it is necessary to trace its roots to pre-Socrates Greek philosophy. So that we do not have much difficulty in coming to the conclusion that Ghazali has exploited a philosophical concept and imposed a religious concept on it from outside, which is a non-philosophical and irrational trend. Since it is based on the "coincidence" which Ghazali has dubbed "miracles", it is important that the concept be interpreted as it really is.

Annexa Ghorus, briefly mentioned above, was the first philosopher in Athens before Socrates, the philosopher who laid the foundations of philosophy in Athens. Although the scientific theory of the lunar eclipse of Aenexagorus is still considered 'correct' in the history of science, we are not concerned with it at the moment. It is important for us to know the significance of the concepts under which Aenexagorus described the universe, and how post-Anexaghorus Greek philosophers, especially Socrates and Aristotle, view it. Aristotle criticized Annexaghors in "Metaphysics" and wrote that Anexaghores interprets natural phenomena as far as possible in the light of natural factors, while the universe was not created for him at any particular moment. Where he cannot interpret cosmic phenomena under the concept of necessity within the universe, he imagines a "mind" beyond the universe, in order to advance his conclusions under the guise of continuity. 

Could maintain Basically, Annexaghorus denies the creation of the material universe, and acknowledges that whatever changes take place within matter, their motive is not from outside, but to scatter and compile their constituents within matter. The trend is there. Different forms of matter like water, fire, air, wood etc. are specific manifestations of matter and all of them have natural ability to collect their specific particles. And that ability gives them a certain identity in their present material form. Substances are constantly distributed to Anexagorus. A great scientist like Democrat, who did not believe in any rational force in the creation of the universe, thought that after the continuous distribution of matter there comes a time when matter particles are indivisible, and this whole process is spontaneous. 

The organization, harmony and balance in the material universe is due to the properties of matter itself. On the contrary, Anexus Goress concludes that the process of distribution of matter never stops, but that matter is permanently divisible. However, Anexagorus' views changed, and eventually, contrary to the scientific views of the Democrats, he was forced to say that there was a "mind" behind the material universe. Disabled justified. It is a philosophy that has far broader meanings than religious thought about the universe. This thought influenced Socrates. Socrates, who believed in God and was well-known as Annexagorus, was greatly disappointed when he tried to gain access to the reality of the universe in the light of Anexagorus' philosophy. In Plato's dialogue "Fedo" Socrates expresses this as follows:

"Then I heard a man, according to him, reading from the book Annexagoras, that our minds are the cause and effect of all things, and I was very pleased with the idea which seemed very reasonable, and said in my heart. If our mind is the cause, it will do its best and give everything its proper place. ”(Plato, Conversations, 167)

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