
Monday, 11 April 2022

Faith Monotheism and Atheism

Believers or atheists, if both of them spend time in improving their morals and character instead of giving advice to others, then I am sure that the common man can be safe from the 'evil' of both of them. The theologian has limited the scope of religion to such an extent that it has become difficult to breathe. 

Fed up with their behavior, many people want to break this "narrow" circle and take refuge in another circle that is a little wider than the circle of religious people, at least they can breathe. That is to say, focus on improving one's actions, leaving the worries of others behind and giving them a higher place in heaven.

I have seen in British, Western and American societies that there is a bar on one corner, a mosque on the other, churches, temples and gurdwaras on the third, fourth and fifth corners. Wherever he wants to go, he goes freely. Problems can arise when one of them, while carrying out a divine service, stops the others from going to their favorite place. 

Impose his will on them, take away their role contract, try to imprison them in his limited circle, so limited that the next moment this person has to be removed from that circle again due to some other action of his. 

Can The same is true of atheists, brothers, congratulations on your atheism! You believe that God does not exist, so do not waste your time and the time of others by discussing things that do not exist. Your atheism and the faith of the theologians are just a means of diverting people's attention from the real issues. Keep atheism and faith to yourself, first find out what the real problems of the people are and then try to solve them.

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