
Saturday, 26 March 2022

Iqbal, Ghamdi and Ahmed Javed

Ahmed Javed Sahib has seen an interesting video about Javed Ahmed Ghamdi Sahib, in which his relationship with Ghamdi Sahib and at the present time, when religion is facing severe difficulties, Javed Sahib considered Ghamdi Sahib as a spoil.  What is their defense?  At a time when, according to Ahmad Javed Sahib,

The world has taken God away from them.  The people who made this world, and the sciences that made it, and the goals that are required of it, all agreed that there is no need for God. "

 This statement of Ahmed Javed Sahib is completely true.  The philosophers who set out to rid God of God in the Western world proved biblically that "Christianity" was, in Hegel's words, "the religion of absolute freedom."  The center without man was recognized.  Religion has no role to play in theology, and all human development has been due to theology, in which philosophy such as "the call of man's inner being" and sciences such as logic and mathematics, science and technology  Played a vital role in the development of  The great German philosopher Hegel subordinated logic and mathematics to philosophy, because philosophy is a constant reflection, which also expands logic and mathematics.

 Javed Sahib has also mentioned a very important point.  He says that there is a danger of depriving God in Pakistan as well, and "traditional scholars are not paying attention to this." That is, traditional scholars are not aware of the danger that religion is currently facing in Pakistan.  While we say that the traditional scholars are utterly ignorant of the sciences on the basis of which the modern world was formed, and developing countries like Pakistan have to develop on the basis of these sciences.  There is no other way.  Science is the common capital of mankind.  Just as man is the creator of society, so man is the creator of the sciences which form the basis of social development.  Muhammad Iqbal even wrote in his lectures,

 "The function of religion is to awaken the consciousness of the relationship between man and the universe," Iqbal added.

 "Religious life, in its highest form, has flourished in both the East and the West, and has now practically failed.  And the devastation in the Muslim East is far greater than anywhere else.  Instead of strengthening the inner strengths of the common man and thus preparing him to move forward in history, he has taught him to avoid and has satisfied him with his own ignorance and deprivation. "

 Islamic scholars are still ignorant of the ideas that Iqbal put forward a hundred years ago.  And of course Ghamdi is aware of this intellectual aspect of Sahib Iqbal.  This is not what Iqbal writes,

  "The fact is that in today's Muslim world, only Turkey has awakened from the heedlessness of dogma and gained self-awareness.  Have traveled to reality.  It is a change that requires tremendous moral and intellectual struggle.  The complexities that are unfolding in her moving and expanding life will surely give rise to a new situation, and will give rise to new ideas. "

 The important point that Iqbal has made here is that ethics is not compatible with dogma, but rather moral strength is required to get rid of dogma.  It also shows that Iqbal was not an enemy of the formation of a new society, but wanted it.  And for that they wanted a fundamental change in the structure of society, a change in which "new ideas" could be born.  

The emergence of new ideas means the demolition of old ideas, not destruction, but regeneration.  Every notion that has become unnecessary should be rejected, and that which is capable of moving forward should be taken beyond the necessary changes.  Iqbal Hegel's imitation is so rich

 According to the Qur'an, the absolute reality is spiritual and its life consists of temporal activity. In nature, material and worldly or secular, the soul has the opportunity to act, so whatever is secular or secular is sacred in its very existence.  Is."

 Are Iqbal worshipers willing to acknowledge that secularism is "sacred"?  no way.  This misunderstanding gives rise to all sorts of problems, and for this reason secularism is presented as anti-religion, whereas, according to Hegel, the only expression of spirit is in social institutions and the philosophy of absolute spirit in art and religion. 

 Muslim scholars have no understanding of art, and they are completely ignorant of philosophy.  In the context in which Iqbal was engaged in reconciling philosophy and religion, today it is in further decline, and its responsibility lies with the religious scholars and in the imitation of these scholars, the Pakistani state, which is at Iqbal's grave.  He used to greet her, but he also ignored some important aspects of her thoughts.  They have been given an ideological role whose own ideological basis is in conflict with the priorities laid down by the state.  He imposed this education in the national institutions which became mere factories of ignorance.

 In this context, Ahmed Javed's explanation of Ghamdi is an echo of Iqbal's ideas.  But the surprise is that those who worship Iqbal are against Ghamdi.

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