The problem is not with good people and virtues, good people are more than in the old days. In the old days, only a few old people had beards, but now there are a lot of bearded men. In the past, there was a mosque in every village, now every mosque is a mosque and there is a mosque in every street.
Give more importance. That is, the goodness that is beneficial for the people. Personal goodness is in fact the name of cooking and eating biryani by oneself, even if the whole neighborhood is starving.
If the head of the widow is bare and laying a three inch thick carpet in the mosque is not good, it is hypocrisy. If you do not keep your promise, you are betraying the trust.
If you lie and get out of your mind, then you are a pure hypocrite. If he is a Muslim, he is a hypocrite, he is a pure hypocrite. Even though he prays and fasts and thinks that he is a Muslim while he is a pure hypocrite.
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