
Friday, 28 May 2021

The massacre of Palestinians & Abraham Maslow's theory of "Hararki of Need"

Many times the world has been reduced to ashes, not by religions, but by nationalism and the expansionist ambitions of human beings. Religion was just resorted to, look at the history of why religion was invented? Were people peaceful when there were no religions? The answer is no? Homo sapiens extinct many species for food and shelter.

If we look at Abraham Maslow's theory of "Hararki of Need", it becomes easy to understand that "religions are not part of man's need and have never fought for it, wars have always been fought on economic and geographical grounds." But religion has been used as a tool for brainwashing the common man - the context of my post is Israel and Palestine. I would like to say without any prejudice that the massacre of Palestinians is not justified in any way. The killing of any human being is not justified. Understanding the issue through the lens of religion and emotion is not a religious issue. It is very inappropriate to interpret the current situation on the basis of what did not happen 1400 years ago.

 The bitterness of society can only reduce happiness.

Where there is more poverty and ignorance. There is an abundance of human beings. And not good to eat. There are no suitable clothes on the body. Gold is not a soft bed. The sounds of mosquitoes and crickets, the stinking air and the human brain in fights think beyond killing. He brings the dead out of the grave. It cooks and eats human flesh.

There is also a level of crime. And the scale of punishment. We don't need anything.

As hard as the lifestyle will be. The culprit there will commit such a serious crime.

  When a nation starts justifying this ignorance instead of seeking a cure for ignorance, then the destruction of that nation is certain.

  Circumstances have proved that the cessation of outward worship does not make a difference; if it does, it is the cessation of the economic system.

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