
Tuesday, 6 July 2021

A girl on the bus was slapping a white bearded man

It was the beginning of my practice and I was coming to Lahore by bus from Faisalabad.  In my back seat sat a woman in her thirties.  Half an hour later he got up and came forward and asked me to sit with him.  I became a little wary and said please sit down.  There were very few people on the bus.  She remained silent for a while and then said that two servants were sitting behind her seat who were harassing her.  I got up with an excuse to see who they were.  When I saw it, there were two men with long beards.  One had a half-white beard.  Just watched a video on Facebook.  A girl on the bus was slapping a white bearded man in the face and I was saying sorry ...  Will tease the girls again, the man immediately started apologizing.  She had a teary face.  The girl received five or seven slaps from the Maulvi and insulted him in English.  The man was pulling his hand out of the girl's seat and touching her when he made a noise.

 It is very unfortunate that in our country where a woman is seen alone, men fall behind her like dogs that maybe she will be a prostitute.  But even more tragic is the fact that people with long white beards do not refrain from evil deeds.  I was once told by a judge that "nowadays most beards are kept to cover up one's crimes".  Maybe he was right.

Monday, 5 July 2021

Who runs after other people's wives?

Our Imam, Maulvi, and Mullah explain the following reasons for the prohibition of pigs.

 1. Pig is the dirtiest animal in the world, likes dirt, and dirt is its favorite food, even eating its own urine and faeces.

 2. Pig is a homosexual animal, does not distinguish between males and females for sexual gratification.

 3. The pig is a very shameless, shameless, and shameless animal. It is the only animal in the world that invites other pigs to mate with its mate.

 4. Pig is such a poisonous animal that it does not even die from the bite of a dragon.

 We naive Muslims blindly believe in the words of our beloved Maulvis but also in superstitions. We have to change our attitude. After today, do not accept any statement of the Maulvis without research and without confirmation. Now find out the answers to a few questions from your clerics.

 When and where did you do research on pigs?

 How many pigs were involved in this study?

 How many years did you spend in researching the habits and movements of pigs?

 Have you ever seen the ugly nature and obscenity of pigs with your own eyes?

 Who teaches marriage of pigs?

 You will be surprised to know that our clerics have never done any research on pigs. They made accusations against the pigs and issued fatwas based on what they heard. Thus the Maulvis have violated a clear command of the Qur'an.

 "And (O man!) Do not follow that of which you have no (true) knowledge. Verily, the ear and the eye and the heart will be questioned from each one of them." (Irfan-ul-Quran 17:36)

 Maulvis make allegations against Soor, but they have no evidence to prove them. It is also a fact that the Maulvis do not hate the devil as much as they hate pigs. It is difficult for a pig to survive even if it comes in front of the Maulvi by mistake. Therefore, we have to avoid blind imitation of Maulvis. We must accept the facts which confirm. Here are some facts about pigs. These are the result of years of research by scientists.

 Pigs are very intelligent animals and their learning ability is better than that of dogs.

 The pig's sense of smell is very sharp.

 The pig's tongue has 15,000 taste buds, while the human tongue has only 9,000.

 Pig skin does not have sweat glands. So he keeps his body cool in summer through water or mud.

 The pig does not like dirt but needs to get mud on its body in summer which not only protects its skin from the heat of the sun but also protects it from flies and insects.

 Pigs are considered hygienic animals. It does not tolerate any dirt or grime near your food and shelter.

 The pig does not like the presence of any non-male pig in its area. It is also a tough fighter in terms of breeding and protecting the area.

 The pig's physical structure and the structure and function of many internal organs resemble those of humans. This is why if a person's heart valve breaks down, doctors will replace it with a pig's heart valve.

 Pig teeth are as strong as human teeth and they chew their food. This is because the pig's digestive system is similar to the human digestive system. Therefore, like humans, pigs can only digest chewed food.

 The discovery of the cat scan is due to research on pigs. Thanks to this technology, doctors can examine the internal organs of humans and animals without surgery.

 In the light of the above facts about pigs, most of Maulvi's claims have been proved wrong. Poor Maulvi doesn't even know that a dragon is not poisonous. He kills his prey not in the grip but in the grip of his body and swallows it whole.

 How did Maulvi know that every pig has a wife? Do Maulvis also teach marriage of pigs?

 We have no evidence that a pig invites other pigs to mate with his wife. But we know that Maulvi never misses an opportunity to run after other men's wives. Halala is also an invention of Maulvi and it is more desirable than Halwa. Under the guise of halala, the Maulvi engages in immorality with the wives of others and at the same time receives a heavy reward for this "service".

 We do not know that pigs do not distinguish between males and females for sexual gratification. However, we know that some Maulvis do not even forgive the children who come to read the Qur'an. Their sexual desire is so intense that they forget to distinguish between a boy and a girl.

 An American friend of mine, from a farming family, told an interesting story. One day when he went out of the house he found a male pig open in the fields. She drove him to the barn and locked the place where another male pig was already present. When his father came home a short time later, he told him about the male pig. The father rebuked the daughter that two male pigs never stop at one place. They fight and kill each other. Both walked towards the hire. When I went there, I saw that both pigs were fighting and were seriously injured.

 It is enough for us that Allah and His Messenger forbade us to eat pork.

 Note: This is a ten to twelve year old post.

Sunday, 4 July 2021

A valuable recipe for happiness

Uually people complain about the behavior of others - he did not value me, he did not acknowledge my knowledge and grace, he did not say words of praise about my speech, writing, article or book, this Met but he did not speak properly, went to his house but he did not humiliate well, I was invited to programs, seminars, conferences but I was not given protocol according to my status, this and others like him Feelings keep bothering them - some people keep these feelings in their chests, so they get angry inside and these negative feelings ruin their health and their minds are scattered - some people keep these feelings. They bring it to their tongues, so they express it openly or secretly in front of those who complain to them - to which their addressees either remain silent, or respond back, which It makes things worse, there are cracks in the relationship and there are bitterness in the hearts on both sides.

 I was looking for a way to get rid of these feelings. I found guidance in a hadith - I think it is a very valuable prescription to protect yourself from negative feelings and to be happy forever - so valuable that even by spending thousands of millions of rupees can not get such a valuable prescription _

 According to a hadith, a man came to the service of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said: "Tell me an action which I will do so that people will fall in love with me."

 "I love you in the hope of the people I love the people" (Tirmidhi: 4102)

 "Don't desire what people have. People will fall in love with you."

 I tied this prophetic message in my knot and kept my hopes from the people to a minimum. I was not surprised when I saw that the people's love for me increased many times.

 I live with my wife, son and daughter-in-law - I kept my expectations from them to a minimum - now that they love me more than I expect and try to take care of me at all times, I am very happy Is _

 I have minimized my expectations from my comrades and friends - now that they have embraced me and embraced me, I am very happy.

 I have kept my expectations to a minimum from my superiors, elders and elders - now I am very happy when they praise my work and express their words of encouragement for me.

 Now, if my family does not serve me, my friends do not show interest in me, my elders do not encourage me, I will not regret it at all - because I did not expect much from them before. _

 There are some people in my circle of friends who criticize me, make mistakes in my writing and make fun of me _ I don't regret it at all _ because whatever they do, I already know them This is what I hope for - I am happy about that too, because I hope that in this way they are adding some virtues to my book of deeds _

 The most valuable recipe for everlasting happiness is stated in the above hadith. This is a tried and tested recipe. If it is followed, there is a 100 percent guarantee that it will definitely show its benefits.

What happens if the earth suddenly stops rotating for some reason ?

According to scientists, the earth revolves around the sun at a speed of 1670 kilometers per hour, but we do not feel this speed.

 Scientists have also studied the effects that the Earth could have on the Earth and its inhabitants if it suddenly stopped or stopped rotating.

 1- According to experts, some of these effects can be like this.

 If this rotation suddenly ceases, everything inside the earth will begin to move.

 The lava in the earth's crust will begin to boil and push out of the earth's surface, causing earthquakes.

 2- If the earth loses its rotation, then the axis of the moon will also start getting smaller and with time it will start getting closer to the earth and there will come a time when it will hit the earth.

 3- The existence of day and night in the earth and the change of seasons is possible only due to its rotation. If the rotation of the earth stops, then the change of weather will also stop. It will be very cold.

 4- If the rotation of the earth stops, it will also release the water in the sea, which will create big waves.

 These waves could cause a tsunami and submerge the entire land.

Our Conservatism * Niaz Fatehpuri *

Once upon a time there was an old man

 Who used to spread masala on the surface of the river

 He used to cross it while praying on it.

 Some saint was passing by

 At a well they saw a crowd of men,

 The discovery revealed that

 A buffalo has fallen inside and people are worried about getting it out.

 He put his hand in the well and pulled it out

 What do people see?

 The buffalo is standing outside. "

 "Once upon a time, a sahib karamat dervish was so" subtle "by his frequent exercise.

 The slap would have passed through his body and his body would not have been obstructed. "

 If you pick up books like this, you will find thousands of incidents even more amazing, but you have also considered it.

 Is there ever a time?

 Our great religion and mysticism

 Of this kind

 * Mindful * things were revealed and

 If this is true, then why?

 What was the benefit and the result?

 And now this * discovery and miracle *

 Why don't people look?

 You will ask this question to someone who is convinced of the correctness of these things

 So he was very sad.

 He will make a sad face and say that these are the words of the next people who went with him,

 Nor are they maths anymore,

 No worship,

 Nor is it spirituality,

 Not authenticity,

 Nor is it faith,

 Not that certainty.

  Then you ask him

 Why not now

 Didn't Muslims live in the world?

 * Principles of Worship *



 There has been a change in the * Principles of Ethics and Spirituality *,

 So except for the answer

 To weep over his misfortune,

 God willing


 Tomorrow is going to be silent by telling the jug malfunction


 Will not say anything

 The age of wonder has passed,

 * This is the age of experience and observation only *,

 for this

 Miracles can no longer be believed simply because

 It is written in * ancient books *. 

 And one's greatness can be proved not only on the basis of superstitious habits.


 Unless man had access to the world of physics,

 Someone jumping ten feet high could also be called a miracle,

 But now

 Accompanied by airplanes and planes

 Are enslaved.

 What a pity


 Even then

 When the light of knowledge has spread all over the world and

 human being

 In a real sense

 * Divine Caliphate *

 Is getting closer and closer,

 We are still in that age

 When, according to * Qazvini and Damiri *

 Paras stone was found in the eagle's nest

 And the hopes of the future come only from the * revelation of Christ and the reappearance of the Mahdi *

 Are associated.

 I wish we could understand that

 The world needs it now

 Not of the Mahdi and

 Not of Christ, but of * Edison & Marconi *, * Raman * and * Bose *,


 human being

 Now, beyond the limits of miracles and wonders, the world has reached the stage of struggle where

 In itself

 * The Spirit of Divinity *

 Seems to be born. 


 The observation of the * grave of humanity * is creating a sense of personal reality within him which, if we wish, can be interpreted as cognition of God and also of nearness to God.

 So if you want to be free from the curse of conservatism

 To yourself

 Don't be fooled or ignorant


 Try to understand everything by believing a sensible person.

 Enable your mind and brain to unravel the intricacies of nature

 Forsake the * worship of the forefathers * that there can be no greater path of progress than this.

 At the same time, keep this in mind in the training and education of your children

 May their intellectual freedom not be erased


 The habit of following other people's study material should not destroy their thinking.

 Then if

 Not a single one of your descendants was organized under this principle

 So understand that


 All troubles are gone


 Tomorrow you

 And to see your children, hear it from my tongue today and remember that


 And thousands of blind nations have already been destroyed

 In the same way, you are doomed to perish

 God does not need that at all

 The existence of a Muslim in the world or not ...

Saturday, 3 July 2021

Lives of Prophet

A close study of the lives of the Prophets reveals that the Lord of the worlds had endowed them with perfect mastery in the knowledge and art of the time, just as magic was at its height in the time of Moses. On this occasion it was a miracle and the magicians who were familiar with the mysteries and secrets of magical knowledge fell in prostration as soon as they saw this perfection at the hands of Moses (peace be upon him) and accepted the truth. When he was at his height, the miracles he was given or the skills he presented to his people were related to medicine. He did not present any magical argument. Lastly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) spoke in his time. The Lord of the worlds revealed a word in the form of Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which will remain an open challenge for the whole world till the end of time.

 The tragedy of today's Muslim Ummah is that it has forgotten the Sunnah of Allah. They have turned away from the divine message given by the Prophets. It wants to adjust what is against religion as well as against reason and that is why they do not appear to be pious in moral terms nor do they have any rationally selected status.

 It is not a common thing to be a Muslim. It is not a sticker or a flag that is adorned on the chest or in the street and terrifies everyone who comes and goes. Look, we are Muslims and this is a Muslim society, but it is an expression of our way of life. Every action for the purpose of thought and action shows that it is a Muslim society and I believe that the Muslim society is a role model for the nations of the world at the moment.

 I think it is necessary to clarify one thing here that some of the friends point out the social and intellectual cosmopolitanism of Muslims with Islam. This is not about Islam but this condition indicates the degradation of the Muslim nation which uses the name of Islam but its own. They do not bring about any positive change in the overall personality.

 The example of the thought process is like the flowing water which, if it continues to flow, restores life, which irrigates all the birds, restores the growth of the earth, and life itself seems to scatter its colors everywhere, but as soon as the thought flows. When it suffers from stagnation, its example is like stagnant water which produces rot and odor which causes various misfortunes instead of life around which impurity and misfortune are seen instead of life. ۔

 Modernity is the legacy of Islam. If the Muslim society is not adorned with modern sciences and arts, thought and practice, lifestyle, then they are suffering from great negligence. It is necessary for the modern Muslim society to be endowed with the wealth of knowledge and thought. Wealth according to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

            "Every coming day of a believer is better than the last day."

  If this improvement stagnates, the ability to meet the challenges ahead will be lost and the horse age will lead this nation to the brink of extinction.

 If a nation claims to be a Muslim and their ideas do not adapt to the modern requirements of their way of life, then history has shown that sooner or later they should be prepared for the passage of time to change them from another nation. Gives and this light that purifies the mind and heart from slavery and scattered thoughts is transferred to another nation, then there is no option left but to join hands and perish.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Fear the day when the mobile company's computer will start telling the truth FUNNY CALL

 1 : Dear user, your dialed number has been deliberately blocked

 2 : Your intended user is deliberately cutting off calls

 3 : Your dialed number is not being picked up intentionally

 For wives

 4 : Your dialed number is currently playing "and tell" series on the call with such and such lady.

 5 : Your dialed user is not picking up intentionally.

 6 : Your dialed number is currently serving tea to friends with Pamper money

 For parents and teachers

 7 : Your dialed number is currently at Burger Point with wife and children

 8 : Your dialed number is currently at the aunt's house instead of the hospital

 9 : Your desired customer will load the rest of the vegetable with the remaining money and call you that there is no money left;

 10 : Your dialed number is sitting in the canteen while reading,

 11 ز Dear Customer is busy watching / listening to a class match during your dialed number

 12 : Your dialed number is currently on sick leave from another madrassa in Bukhari.

 For all

 13 : Your desired user will say at the meeting that the mobile was on charging

Essay: Importance of English Language

English language is considered as the most popular language in the world. It is spoken by billions of people from different countries and cu...